“If photographers are responsible for creating or reflecting an image of women in society, I must say that there is only one way forward, is to define women as strong and independent. This should be the responsibility of today’s photographers: to free women, and ultimately everyone, from the terror of youth and perfection. ” Peter Lindbergh
The exhibition:
Photographer Zornitsa Ivanova, Zori Art photography, exibits 21 50x70cm portraits, one for each woman participating in the project, with a narrative of her personal story and battles, alongside her portrait. The topics discussed, such as chronic diseases, obesity, childhood and difficult divorce, which have driven these women to devalue, affect us all and the message to be passed is: “We all have difficulties in the life, but there is always a way out, and self-love is that way. ”
Gwendoline – credits Zornitsa Ivanova
The campaign:
This project was designed to showcase and celebrate everyday women with their flaws and imperfections. Women who have trouble accepting reflection in the mirror, because modern society is constantly telling them that they are not beautiful enough. Through a series of 21 portraits, this campaign aims to help women to love themselves as they are and find beauty in their curves. The campaign also aims to break the stereotypes of beauty that only young, skinny women are worth seeing.
Gwendoline – credits Zornitsa Ivanova
The exposition “21 DAYS OF REAL WOMEN” by Zori Art Photography is taking place from Dec 1st to the 5th at the Bar-galerie Artishow, rue des Côtes-de-Montbenon 5, lot 21 in Lausanne. Open from Tuesday to Saturdays from 11 am to 7 pm.
For more information please contact Zornitsa per email at zori.ivanova@gmail.com or per telephone at 077- 427 64 46.
About the photographer:
Zornitsa Ivanova, of Bulgarian descent, specializes in magazine and glamor portraits for everyday women, offering them an unforgettable experience for an afternoon, where every woman is the star.