In my head,
I could imagine
There is no pandemic,
Occupation or its bombing
Just a typical ordinary day
I am on my way back home
Putting my music on
People walk around
Two school girls drinking juice
And laughing
One young man talking loud on
His cell phone
maybe calling his friends for
an evening hanging out
Image par luxstorm de Pixabay
In my head,
I could imagine
I am in Europe again,
Or at the top of skyscraper
in Tokyo
Airport is full of people
I am walking at the streets of
Or breathing in front of Zurich
lake, smile at a child next to me
Or reciting a love poem at Frankfurt
Book fair
Or having a breakfast and talking to
My friend, Daniel’s house in Bern
Image par Pierre Blaché de Pixabay
In my head,
I could imagine
I am no longer in isolated
Like a Palestinian prisoner
Inside an Israeli jail for years
his blood is his crime
I barely can tolerate staying
For two weeks
How can he do?!
I could imagine myself
in USA, no longer man killed
for his skin
Standing in front of Liberty statue
Or in Africa
In front of a wood, seeing
An elephant for the first time
Nature is no longer
Mad at me
Singing a song there with
A friend where poverty
And racism no longer
Photo by Neil and Zulma Scott on Unsplash