Last year in August, President Obama and his family choose to visit the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone park to encourage more Americans to come to the National Parks.
The 58 US National parks are extremely popular and more and more people have been interested in visiting them since the opening of the first one, the Yellowstone Park, in 1872.
People looking down at the river in the Grand Canyon Park
I had the chance to go to the Great Smoky Mountains, Yellowstone Park, Grand Canyon Park and drove through the Badlands National Park. I had to postpone my trip to the Grand Teton and to Glacier Parks a few years ago, but I can’t wait to discover them in the near future.
Canoying in Yellowstone, Hayden Valley
Courtesy picture: Gregg Murphey
Get ready to purchase your airline ticket at least 6 months in advance if you want to be able to go when you really want to and to have more flexibility.
If you want to reserve a hotel or a campground in a park, you need to call one of the following websites below. It is better to call than to email. Use the toll free number.
If you plan a trip for July and August, book early. Six months ahead is not exaggerated. If you need to cancel, they will charge you a small fee.
Click here for xanterra website:
To reserve with the nationalpark system click here:
Call 1-866 875 8456 Free hotline for inside the US
or 1-406 862-8190 outside of the US
Yellowstone river in the canyon
Courtesy picture: Gregg Murphey
There are numerous hotels outside of the parks. They may not be as convenient as you have to go in and out of the park every day but it is a solution and generally they are located next to many restaurants.
Book early anyway as most let you cancel with a 24 hour notice.
Most people tend to come during the summer months, but I recommend also the beginning of the Fall, the end of May or the beginning of June. Avoid Memorial and Labor Day.
Sunset over the Grand Canyon
Find a spot quick early to watch sunsets in the parks. It is a very popular time of the day when everyone gathers to admire the landscape and take pictures.
In parks such as Yellowstone, Glacier Park or the Grand Canyon, I highly recommend to stay 4 to 5 nights. Distances between the sights is greater than you think, driving can be slow, and you probably will stop more often than you think. Just getting to the park from the airport you land in can already take you half a day.
I recommend it if you are planning to go to parks which are close in distance or if you just want to do a couple of sights in each.
Most parks are good for hiking, camping, fishing and wildlife watching. In Yellowstone you can also see geysers and hot springs.
Deer in Yellowstone Park
Courtesy picture: Gregg Murphey
It is the best in early morning and at nightfall. Pick a place, wait and be patient.
Time to leave the Yellowstone Park
Courtesy Picture: Gregg Murphey
So will you be like President Barack Obama and visit the US National Parks this year?