Reading events approaching: Zurich Liest
Among all of the events happening in Zurich this week is Zürich Liest. The book festival is starting its 9th year in Zurich and Winthertur with events in libraries, churches, cinemas, bookstores and restaurants. Zurich Liest will be presenting more than 100 events in 5 days from Wednesday 23rd to Sunday 27th.The newspaper NZZ will be reporting live from cinema Kosmos from noon on Sunday. The events are mainly in German. Some are free but most cost 15, 20 Chf or more and the tickets for most events need to be booked in advance.
Vivamost selected two events:
- The reading and book signing of the Amerian author and shooting star, Andrew Ridker. In a matter of a few weeks his book “the altruits” has been sold in 20 countries. The book is a New York Times Editor Choice. When and where is it? Saturday Oct. 26th at Karl der Krosse Kirchgasse 14 in Zurich from 7.30 pm to 9 pm Tickets are sold via Starticket and cost 20 CHF.

We are not numbers – credits Lenos Verlag
- We are not numbers, Young voices from Gaza with Malak Mattar and Basman Derawi When and where is it? Venue is at the Litteraturhaus at Limmatquai 62 in Zurich. Saturday Oct. 26th at 8pm. Tickets cost 20 CHF and can be bought here. More about the topic can be found on their facebook page and video.
More about Zuerich Liest in German can be found here.