In view of the recent events and all the preventive restrictions imposed, I am glad that I recently had the opportunity to take one last sip of art, before we all needed to take refuge in our homes, due to the inevitable spread of the virus. The Vernissage of Veronique Gray’s exhibition, on the 10th of March had an unexpectedly overwhelming impact, one that I will remember for quite a while.
Veronique Gray´s speech at her vernissage on March 10th 2020 – credit photo Sabina
Before knowing the artist, for me Veronique Gray was a typical French woman, very talkative, extremely emotional and fragile , always up-to-date with the latest gossips and news and with an adorable French accent, regardless if she spoke German or English. During the last couple of years I had the opportunity to visit quite a few exhibitions but I always departed with a very strong taste of skepticism in the end. However open-minded I tried to be I could never fully enjoy modern artworks and the only solution I could find was to resort to the sphere of figurative and representative art.
painter Veronique Gray – credit photo Luna Lucid
However, Veronique’s exhibition was an eye-opening experience. In fact it was a complete revelation. It was only during her Vernissage that I fully enjoyed abstract, non-figurative, seemingly chaotical representations.
There is a power that transcends her creations, an inner tension that puts a spell on the viewer. For Veronique Gray art has some sort of mystical Phoenyx effect , managing to bring her to life over and over again. Her grief gains a transfiguring force. Each canvas is one more step towards redemption.
painter Veronique Gray – credit Veronique Gray
She is a self-taught artist, there are no limitations, no tabus, no fears from imperfection, no self-control, there is an absolute freedom of imagination. Veronique’s power lies in her complete acceptance of her vulnerability, in her honest resort to her pain. She is not afraid to embrace, unleash and reiterate her pain because the result is a self-discovery, an inner journey that transcends sufferance.
painter Veronique Gray – credit photo Luna Lucid
Her grief accumulated during years of battle is redefined and re-evaluated by means of artistic tools, her wounds gain euphemistic power on the surface of her canvas. Each canvas is a well-documented story, that could be traced back to the smallest details. But that doesn’t mean that there is no room for spontaneity, on the contrary, her paintings are a fusion and amalgam of serenity, but also a burst of violent emotions, revolt and grief. Her work is a cyclical reiteration of the pursuit of happiness.
painter Veronique Gray – credit photo Luna Lucid
Overcome by extremely powerful emotions it is only natural that the artist resorts to mixed media. Her canvas incorporate minute fragments of sand, plaster, fine fabrics and materials and all these perishable fragments are redefined by means of artistic tools. Eclecticism at its best.
painter Veronique Gray – credit photo Luna Lucid
A unique fusion between two dissonant mediums, the world of emotions and the world of perishable material. Veronique ‘s art is an axis mundi between the mundane and its inherent grief and the search for happiness and redemption by means of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
painter Veronique Gray – credit photo Luna Lucid
I warmly recommend the exhibition of Veronique Gray that is taking place at AWZC Hochsgasse 38, in Zurich. If you did not have the opportunity to take a glance at her paintings on the 10th of March during the Vernissage, there is still time to drop by, as the exhibition last until the 25th of April. The Finissage will be held on the 22nd of April, form 6-9 pm.
painter Veronique Gray – credit photo Luna Lucid
During these lockdowns those of you who enjoy art have two alternatives, either to resort to virtual exhibitions or to contact the artists who are currently exhibiting and ask for a private visit. Taking a leap of faith is sometimes what we need to be detached from the confusion and panic these days, not to mention that, in the meantime you can support the artists as well. It is a win-win situation. You can contact Veronique for private visits via email,
Upcoming viewings:
March 24th 6-8pm
April 5th 4-6pm
Finissage April 22nd 6-9pm
“Art is something that makes you breath with a different kind of happiness”
Wonderful vernissage, full of emotion and thanks to Veronique a real ispiration for other women to see the beauty that surrounds us, to evolve, to pull out our skills to make the world a better place and start creating beauty from collateral challenges.
Thank you so much Paula. It meant a lot to have you there. I am happy if I can inspire women to paint as well and to choose art therapy to free their negative emotions.