The Hallenstadion welcomed the “Art on Ice” new production Magic World last night under a completely sold-out audience.
When the show started, most people had been waiting for it since last winter. Yes, “Art on Ice” is a spectacle, which you long for all year, once you have been there!
Stéphane Lambiel and Shizuka Arakawa
And this year is even more special for Reto Caviezel and Oliver Höner, the two founders, as their show did very well in 2012, selling over 60,000 tickets in Zurich in the first three months. It had more attendances than any other show in the world.
Oliver Höner, said in a press conference when the program came out: “For the past few years we have always been able to deliver surprises. In 2013 our audiences as well as our time-honored patrons will be on fire. Captivated by superstar Leona Lewis we will travel with our guests to a world full of magic and mystique. Together we will marvel at the sights and let ourselves dream.”
Reto Caviezel and Oliver Hoener being interviewed at the After Show Party of Art on Ice
“Art on Ice” even launched an official song called “Live your Fantasy” performed by no one less than the “King of the Spin”, the figure skater Stéphane Lambiel with Larissa Evans, a young singer from Zurich.
“Dreams come true for those who believe it”, sings Lambiel in his new single, which came out in December. It could be really a dream come true for both Larissa and Stéphane. Lambiel already hopes to make an album and he makes his singing debuts here in Zurich at the Hallenstadion.
Marc Lindegger, working in Marketing and Communications for Carré Events, explained that Sergio Fertitta, a song writer, suggested Larissa a new talented singer. When an idea for a duet came into the question, the team at Carré Events fought of Stéphane Lambiel. The connection between the two was fantastic and they recorded “Live your Fantasy” together.
Stéphane Lambiel singing Live your Fantasy
Did Art on Ice succeed in its new challenges?
As soon as the lights in the Hallenstadion were switched off and the people turned on their blue lights, given to them at the entrance, everything became like a fairy tale, a magical world on ice. Chills came and never disappeared.
From time to time there were fireworks on the stage, rockets being shot or something was on fire.
As soon as Stéphane Lambiel and Larissa Evans arrived, all dressed in white like their dancers, and started singing, one could only wish, please let it continue!
Then, the Krimi began with clown René Bazinet as the storyteller.
For those in the audience, who had come for the figure ice skating there were 13 skaters invited this year. Some of them are familiar with the annual gala event like the Swiss Stéphane Lambiel (2x World Champions in 2005 & 2006 and Silver medalist at the Olympics in Torino in 2006) & Sarah Meier (European Champion in 2011), the French Florent Amodio, European Champion in 2011, 3rd at the Trophée Eric Bompard in Paris in November 2012 & silver at the Europeans in Zagreb in 2013, the German pair Aljona Savcheko & Robin Szolkowy (1st at World Championships in Nice in 2012, 4 times World Champions, 4 times European Champions,Bronze medal at the Vancouver Olympics in 2010) and the Russian pair Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov (European Champions in 2012 & 2013).
Kristoffer Berntsson at Art on Ice
But no one had been at “Art on Ice” as many times as the beautiful Sarah Meier, who came 12 times in total. Yesterday at one point she danced on the ice while the floor looked like petals of roses.
The Russians Victoria Sinitsina & Ruslan Zhiganshin, the ice dancing World Junior Champions, were also here and performed a tcha tcha dance at the beginning.They finished third at the Cup of Russia in November.
The friendly pair Anna Cappellini & Luca Lanotte, the best pair dancers in their country, Italy, finished 2nd at the Trophée Eric Bompard in Paris in November 2012. Anna said later at the party that the two have been together for seven years and are starting to be good friends.
The Japanese Shizuka Arakawa, Gold medalist in Turin in 2006 and known for her famous triple jumps in 2004 in Dortmund was dressed in wonderful costumes. She performed a couples dances with so much grace and sensuality. One time on the ice she was with Stéphane Lambiel.
Anna Cappellini & Lucas Lanotte and Shizuka Arakawa (right)
Swede Kristoffer Berntsson was also in Zurich, dressed in flashy outfits, which suit him well. The nine time champion in his homeland from 2000 to 2011 had the chance to skate with Sarah Meier.
Another amazing performer was the Russian ice skater Adelina Sotnikova. She won the national championships in Russia in 2009, 2011 & 2012 and was the World Junior champion in 2011. She also won a silver medal at the Youth Olympics in 2012 and more recently finished 2nd in Zagreb at the European Championships.
And there were the incredible performances from the acrobats and comedians Vladimir Besedin and Alexei Polishuk the ice acrobats. They made people laugh non-stop during their two complicated and dangerous acts.
Beautiful Canadian Emmanuelle Balmori’s act was breathtaking, flying in the air with a ring, all of this with no safety net.
Leona Lewis with her dancers at Art on Ice 2013
Sarah Meier may be the “Queen of the Ice”, but the other queen of “Art on Ice” this year is Leona Lewis, the British singer who proves that dreams can come true. In 2006 before she won the X Factor she was working various par time jobs to make a living. Her ambition brought her to the top. Today the three time Grammy nominee has sold 28 Millions albums worldwide. Her single “Bleeding Love” in 2008 was the best selling single worldwide. Starting in April the R&B singer will be touring in the UK with the Glassheart Tour.
Tatiana and Maxim Trankov, Art on Ice 2013
Just after a fabulous tribute to Donna Summers and the Bee Gees from the skaters, Leona appeared just like in a dream wearing a blue dress with a long cape. She performed many songs with her dancers and one on the moving podium with amazing skaters such as Aljona Savchenko, Robin Szolkowy, Maxim Trankov, Tatiana Voloszhar and Stéphane Lambiel.
She brought the crowd on fire but she was not the only one. Florent Amodio was like a rock star on ice, bringing lots of temperament, rhythm and passion on the ice.
Florent Amodio at Art on Ice
Tatiana Voloszhar and Maxim Trankov were spectacular with their spins, jumps and death spirals; no wonder they were the European Champions in 2012.
Another singer, who charmed the public with his soul songs like “Walking with You” is Jan Dettwyler, known as Seven, a Swiss from Lucerne. In 10 years as a professional singer, Seven has already recorded 8 albums. He is the most known soul Swiss singer. His best success at this time was in 2009 when he jumped to the 2nd seat of the Swiss charts with his album “Like a Rocket”. Last year for his 10 year jubilee came out “Art is King”. The Hallenstadion is not new to him as he performed there in 2010. On the moving stage on Thursday he had a lot of energy and as he said during the rehearsal, “from there I have the best seat”.
Seven at the After Show Part of Art on Ice
While last year Emily Bear amazed the audience with her piano performance, it is 2Cellos, who did the same this year but with their cellos. Who would have guessed than the two Croatian, Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser, would have become so popular in so little time! The two men who once used to be “rivals” trying to win the same competitions, were completely unknown two years ago before they launched a video on You Tube of them playing “Smooth Criminal” from Michael Jackson.
Stjepan Hauser said at the after show party that this video brought them immediate attention, calls from the TV and a call from Elton John. The two men signed up to follow Elton in his 1 1/2 year tour. “It was fantastic continued Stjepan we really got to know him well and got really close”. They are friends now.
Was Sir Elton John right when he said “Go and see them live, because it is astonishing! I can’t remember seeing anything as exciting as them since I saw Jimi Hendrix live back in the 60’s…”?
The 2Cellos at the After Show Party of Art on Ice
Hearing the 2Cellos is definitely a unique and life time experience. No matter if it is classic or rock, the music goes through you like an electroshock. You get chills and you love what you hear. It transports you into a world which was unknown to you.
Where you once rivals?, I asked. “We still are”, replied Stjepan laughing. “In fact it was just a way to compete to help us play better”.
For them “Art on Ice” is an amazing experience, it is with great honor they accepted to participated. Stjepan, very talkative and funny, admitted later on the stage at the after show party that he could not concentrate playing the cellos because of the beautiful skaters around him!
Luka, who knows Switzerland well as his aunt lives here, was looking for the best place to eat fondue in Zurich.
No doubt with such a compliment from Sir Elton John one can only believe the 2Cellos will go far in their musical career and transmit their love of the cello to others. This month came out their second CD called IN2ITION, again like the first album a mix of rock and classic hits with The Police, Jean Michel Jarre, Simon & Garfunkel and ACDC.
Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar
As if this was not magical enough, the presenter of the evening, René Bazinet and the Mummenschanz were the guests of the evening. Bazinet is well known in the circus business, having worked for the Cirque du Soleil, Roncalli and Salto Natale. He is a German clown, who learnt from famous teachers such as Marcel Marceau and Jacques Lecoq.
The Mummenschanz, a mask theatre group, known as the magician of silence, tells stories, making people laugh just by using their bodies and objects. The group has toured the world since their founding in Paris in 1972, over 60 countries! They are not only famous on Broadway in New York, in Milan, Sydney, Dublin, Shanghai but have also performed in places such Tehran, Cairo, Kingston, Quito and Santiago. Last year for their 40 year jubilee they came to Zurich at the Theatre 11, where they started their 2012 tour. Here at “Art on Ice” they has a short funny apparition during the performance of singer Seven.
The “Art on Ice” Première was a complete success due to all of the talented artists and athletes. For an evening “Art on Ice” succeeded in bringing beauty and magic in people’s life.
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