About Christine
Christine is an interior designer with almost 20 years of work experience in the furniture industry. She is Swiss and lives in the Sarganserland area (between Zurich and Chur), touristly called “Heidiland”. She loves creating dream homes for her customers and wants them to experience how a personal and holistic interior has a great impact on their well-being. Seeing their enthusiasm and joy in their newly designed rooms and spaces, offices or entire houses, makes her inspired and profoundly happy!
Christine Schumacher – credits Zori Art Photography
Her business Localia. Interiors. – Interior Design
Good design should be enjoyed by everyone and it doesn’t have to be expensive to look amazing! A really beautiful living environment needs breaks, furniture with history and imperfections. “Everything from a single source” usually has the charm of a shop window decoration…
She combines old with new, quality with good value and beauty with comfort. The results are homes with unique interiors, full of atmospheric life and texture. Surrounding yourself with things you really love is the only style that never goes out of fashion.
Credit photo Localia. Interiors
The beginning
It took a while until Localia. Interiors. was born. The journey until turning her business Localia. Interiors. into a dream job was rocky and full of detours. After almost 20 years in the furniture industry and also for health reasons, it was time for a change.
Her original plan was to offer consulting to expats looking for a new home in South-Eastern Switzerland. That is why the company name “Localia” was created. She got help from a friend of hers at that time, who became later her business partner. She was under strong pain medications and had a back operation (the last in a long row) In retrospect she says she made some bad decisions during this time. All of a sudden she was only doing administrative work for her business partner. The two stumbled from one of his business ideas to another.
When she decided to get out of this partnership the nightmare began. Betrayal came to light and he wanted to block her completely for the business. This ended in the public prosecutor’s office and court and it still is.
Credit photo Localia. Interiors
But for her it was like a reset. She totally focused on her roots and decided to use this “standstill” and only work on the things she loves: design and interior decoration! She then crowned her already existing skills with a further qualification as an interior designer and her small company, which she managed to save and became Localia. Interiors.
That is why she started all over again from scratch and now she has built up her very own business. Many Swiss people seem to think that they have to own a villa in order to get interior design advice and this especially in her rural residential area Sarganserland, This not true by the way. That’s why she also offers online interior advice (E-Design) and works personally also in Zurich and Zug region.
In Switzerland it is not so common for a woman to start her own business. “I am proud that I did it!
I got a big boost of motivation from some fabulous women from Women Rock Switzerland and thanks to that I have stepped out of my comfort zone a lot last year and I will continue to do so… like with this article in Vivamost. And it really rocks!”
3 Facts about Interior Consulting:
“This Is When I Come In.”
Are you ready to get help with your personal interior design?
Christine Schumacher wants more people to experience how a personal and holistic interior has a great impact on their well-being. Interior design isn’t about going ahead with the designers own taste, but about helping people to transform their homes so they can love them more and live more comfortably in them.
• Time Saving
Believe it or not, not everyone likes to decorate and redesign rooms in their home. I know!? Isn’t that weird?
People work full-time. Free time over evenings and weekends is rare and precious. How on earth are they going to redecorate a home?
“This is when I come in”
Imagine not having to spend all weekends in furniture stores or spend hours searching the internet for the right products and ideas! How wonderful!
Credit photo Localia. Interiors
• Fresh Perspective
Have you ever noticed that when you placed a new carpet or new pillows in a room, this was the first thing you looked at when you entered the room? It takes some time to get used to it and then you just stop noticing it all together. Well for most of us, that’s what our whole house is like. We don’t see our homes anymore. To us, it’s all normal and fine and then suddenly it isn’t.
“This is when I come in”
And it’s so important to get some perspective from a “stranger”, as it were a fresh pair of beady eyes that can see past the now and focus on the “potential.”
• Not sure if your ideas are realistic or not sure what you want?
I´m sure you know! But maybe you would rather stay in the comfort zone.
“This is when I come in “
Christine doesn´t create a design which she then simply implements in your house but she rather works directly with you. YOU are her inspiration. You, your life, your belongings, your living space.
She is a body language scanner, tone checker and above all your mate. She is here to encourage you and push you a little bit more than you might have wanted to, not in terms of money, but in terms of design.
She will get your apartment just the way you wanted it. Only better.