Last year in March the artist Claude Roegiers, a native of Belgium, was presenting in Brussels his new series called “Traveling Still”. This year he is back with a new one just as amazing as the last one. On Thursday night he will be at the Gallery Bogart in Brussels for the vernissage of “Portraits de femmes”, a series of 15 paintings of women.
MODEL (1903 BERLIN) copyright Claude Roegiers
It will be a special evening for him surrounded by people who have been following him for thirty years.
It has been a year of hard work for Claude Roegiers to finish his new series. “Portraits de femmes” is a new make over of women through out the centuries. Each painting is presented in a fake golden 120×120 frame.
He choose women, who inspired him and tried to show in each of them their beauty. No doubt you will be drawn to these paintings.The women most of the time are topless or barely covered with clothing. They look at you and you start wondering about what they were thinking of at that exact moment.
A FORNARINA (1520 RAPHAEL) copyright Claude Roegiers
ALGERIAN GIRL (1910) copyright Claude Roegiers
Again in “Portraits de femmes” he uses the technique called “warp and weft” effect, which covers his paintings with white shading. This gives each woman a more mysterious look.
The series will be shown at the Bogart Gallery (18 rue des Bogards) until Sunday June 9th from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m and at the vernissage on June 6th from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Then “Portraits de Femmes” will travel with some stops over in Germany, Switzerland, in the United States and in Asia.
Claude Roegiers is also showing an upcoming series “Once Upon a Time” in Geneva until June 20th. You may also like our article about Art International Zurich.