What do you do when life gets too much? If work has been too much, family has been too much or the fact that all lay on your shoulders…and it is as if you had to fight all daily fights on your own and you felt you had to keep your head above the water.
Model Viktoria Toth – Hofmann Photography – Ruth Hofmann instagram @hofmannphotography – Fashion Adam Brody – Stylist Kathy Patellis – Schmidt Instagram @style.etc.ch
Everyone looks for the solution elsewhere. There are those to whom it means a size XXL pizza with cheese preferably at midnight followed by a few spoonful of Nutella straight out of the jar. For advanced people it’s endless Netflix alongside a box of tissues. Or you might just grab your bank card and empty your favourite shop.
I heard of people – I mean I just heard – who just get their training stuff on their back and run as long as they can breathe.. until their sorrow and anger disappears. Yes, exercise can do that. Well, I have to say I envy those people.
However, there are different, more gentle methods to balance yourself.
cake creation credit photo Nyers
Yoga, meditation, therapeutic baking, when you make something delicious in the kitchen and give the nice smelling box to your neighbours, your best friend or the first person coming toward you in the street. Otherwise you’ll find yourself doing the above, you’ll have to do some shopping due to your clothes getting smaller and smaller from the midnight cakes.
What if you visited the world of colours? This is a wonderful world that looks after your wallet as well as your shape by the way. You don’t need anything else other than canvas, brushes, paints or instead of a canvas you can even cut a piece of worn out sheet or use your hands instead of brushes. Then just start painting!
I can’t! – you say. Well, there are a lot of us, but never mind, just do it! But don’t just decide to paint the houseplant in its pot! Listen to your heart and let it guide your hand! Of course you mind end up painting the houseplant anyway, but don’t get stuck to your original idea! Immerse yourself in the colours of the rainbow: the sunset orange, sky blue, see green, purple of the fig, sunflower yellow, smoky blue, earthy brown and pigeon grey.
Paint and get messy until you dress your soul in colours as well. Creating something always helps. It eases your mind, because you focus on the canvas instead of your problems while you catch the joy of creating and your lips spread in a smile. Then new ideas might pop into your head, a different approach to your current situation may be born. Your difficulties will be left on the canvas locked into your painting or they will just simply evaporate. It works. I know, because I tried it. Again after 10 years. At the SWISS ART EXPO.
What are you waiting for? The colours are waiting just for you!