Every year in France on February 2nd, many people get their frying pans out to make crêpes (thin pancakes). It is a tradition that people love.
What better way than to invite some friends and forget about the long cold and grayish days of winter! For some it is so enjoyable that they do it all the month of February.
A French crêpe
What is it all about?
Known as Candlemas (mass with candles) and Festa Candelarum (festival of candles) in latin, this festival has christian origins. It is to celebrate the purification of the Virgin Mary 40 days after the birth of Jesus and Jesus coming to the Temple. Candles used to be lit to celebrate.
Where did the crêpe come from?
In the 5th century, it became an official holiday. Pope Gélase the 1st introduced pancakes to thank the pilgrims who came to Rome.
A long time ago peasants believed that if crêpes were not eaten at that time the wheat would not grow anymore.
Crêpe cooker, wooden rake and spatula
If you want your wish to be realized and to be rich all year, you have to flip a crêpe in the air with your right hand while holding a coin in your left hand. The crêpe has to fall back in the pan on the uncooked side.
What is a crêpe?
It is a thin wheat flour pancake made with milk, flour, eggs and sugar. Rum
is optional, but gives a nice flavor. This pancake is mainly eaten for desserts like with sugar, jam, chestnut spead and ice cream. It is also delicious with ham and cheese.
What is a galette?
It is a thicker pancake made of buckwheat flour. The tradition comes from eastern Brittany in France where the buckwheat grain grows well. To make it, you need buckwheat flour, water, an egg and a bit of honey.
To learn how to make it and for topping ideas, check other article on galettes.
What do we need to hold a crêpe party at home?
You need a frying pan for crêpes (if you want to flip your pancakes) or an electric crêpe cooker (best with thermostat and ideal for parties), a ladle, a tissue for spreading the oil, a spatula for turning the pancake over and the wooden rake to spread the dough on the pan.
About crêperies
From a home based celebration it was later introduced in restaurants in the 1960’s. Now you can find crêperies everywhere around the world.
So have a fun crêpe Party this year!