Are you ready to fall in love with yourself and connect with your sensual feminine essence? If yes, then read on! I promise you I won’t get too technical, but I do want us to go deep. Feminine awareness is an in-depth topic that leads to deep and profound self-growth, allowing you to open up to more sensual and feminine empowerment. Sounds good, right?!
To feel sensual, you have to focus on yourself in the most basic way. My experience has been that a woman’s path to greater well-being and empowerment leads to bringing awareness and kindness back to herself and her female form. When your needs are heard, this creates safety and empathy, which in turn will lead to feeling sensual and wanting to be intimate with others. This is something that’s within all of us, yet we seem to connect with it the least.
credit photo Ava Sol
Are you ready to connect to your feminine essence and feel sensually empowered? If yes, here are some tips on how to get started:
Do you make time for self-care? It’s quite obvious that it is important to take care and nourish ourselves; however, I feel we need to be constantly reminded to take care of our psychological and emotional needs (i.e. esteem, belongingness and love) in addition to our most basic physiological needs. It’s easy to lose touch with your innermost being when you’re constantly chasing your tail by making sure everything around you is in flow.
Do you have a self-care practice? Something simple that allows you to relax fully, gives you pleasure and nurtures your whole being? That’s fantastic if you do. If you don’t have a practice, I encourage you to find something that is easy and can be done regularly as it will nurture your whole being. With a plan in place, it will be a lot harder to come up with excuses for why you can’t make time during your day to relax and unwind. It’s essential that you do it regularly to stay connected to your feminine essence.
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
Some simple practices:
After having a shower, moisturize your body really slowly and give your body some nice nurturing touch. Or give yourself a breast massage. A breast massage can be very soothing and calming; it doesn’t have to be in a sexual way. It’s also great for detoxing, and it produces the love hormone oxytocin, which will leave you glowing from the inside out. Plus, it will lift and firm your breasts, and who doesn’t want that? I certainly do!
Use a Yoni Egg. Doing some pelvic floor exercises with a yoni egg will help you connect with your innermost sensual being.
There is an endless list of other great self-care practices including yoga, dance, and meditation.
Photo by Eneko Uruñuela on Unsplash
There’s also a wonderful fortnightly The Guided Womb Healing Gathering event happening. A safe, confidential and supportive space to help you connect to your womb-wellness and your feminine being.
As a woman, maternal tendencies may come naturally to you. You may find yourself wanting to nurture and take care of everyone. It’s easy to feel that you’re overextending yourself or that there aren’t enough hours in the day to have to yourself. Perhaps you are unable to nurture your needs or give yourself the space to do so. This can lead to losing focus on yourself and not feeling sensual. Women of today are no less interested in sex than men, but we can be less interested in the sex readily available to us.
What makes us lose interest? It can be anything from our daily routine, house chores, not feeling heard about our needs, motherhood, a lack of feeling truly in tune with ourselves, or any number of reasons.
Our desire flickers from the inside. This means that our pathway to pleasure is through our own eroticism and the way we feel. We tend to think that our surroundings and the people that we are with are the ones to turn on our switch to pleasure. But it’s when we tap deep into our most inner being that we begin to feel truly connected. When we allow ourselves to surrender fully, we let go, and the magic happens – epic sex! Most of us have a deep inner yearning for sensual pleasure, often feeling starved in our eroticism; we scream on the inside for more sensual pleasure, intimacy and satisfaction.
credit photo Ava Sol
So how do we connect to our innermost sensual being?
We need to go on a path of self-discovery. Do you know how to turn on that switch that leads your pathways to pleasure? Do you know your turn offs that make you short circuit and disconnect from your lover? If you’re ready to learn what it’s like to finally touch and be touched in a way that honours your desires and want to discover how to be fed in your sensuality in such a profound way that you feel you’re deeply seen and understood, then take the quiz to discover your love and erotic language.
Removing shame around sexuality and rewiring beliefs:
Saddled with narrow ideas of sexuality, we suffer through unfulfilled sexual and emotional needs. Often it’s our relationships that pays the price. Shame and past hurt tend to hold us back from stepping into our own sensual empowerment. Our beliefs – from gender roles to desire – along with our sexual experiences throughout our lives are all essential factors that affect our views about sex. Was sex something that never got talked about in your home? Were you told that it’s something dirty or wrong? Or were you told off for self-pleasuring?
Embodying these beliefs may have created guilt about your sensuality and your ability to enjoy sex freely. If there’s a little voice in the back of your mind telling you that your wishes are taboo or dirty or inappropriate, then it’s important to look at where that belief is coming from. This will enable you to begin to rewire your thoughts and open yourself up to what you may have been profoundly craving. How amazing will it be when you can enjoy sex fully without your mind getting in the way?! Sex is something to be enjoyed and to feel unapologetic about; therefore, it should be guilt-free and pleasurable.
About the author:
Nathalie Sommer is a certified Relationship & Intimacy Coach, Women’s Transformational Coach, speaker and international workshop facilitator. Through her communities, 1:1 + group coaching, speaking and events.
Nathalie is supporting and transforming women’s and couples relationships and lives from around the globe, helping them to create powerful transformations through sensual feminine embodiment, relationship & intimacy work.
You can follow her work via on Instagram and join her lively Eros Temple For Modern Women Facebook Group for intimate chats all about relationships, pleasure and sex. You can also visit her website to find out more about her services, or take Nathalie’s Eros Archetype Quiz