HIKE: 13 km (8.07 miles) around the lake of Wägital (flat)
We highly recommend highly this hike during the fall season. It is easy and offers breathtaking sceneries.The walk is done on the sidewalk or on the road. Don´t worry too much about the cars as they can not drive faster as 40km/hr.
We left the village of Innerthal in direction to Hinterbrüch at 12:15 p.m. If you don’t prepare a pick-nick basket, be aware that for almost two hours you will only find one restaurant on the way, Restaurant Cardinal.
We arrived at Ziggenbucht at 1.05 pm after an easy walk, passing cows, sheeps, a forest and green pastured fields. The view over the Wägital lake and mountain peaks was breathtaking.On the way we stopped and bought some homemade mountain cheese, Alpkäse. The price for a kilo was 3 times more expensive in the restaurant we later stopped at across lake.
After almost two hours non-stop we had a small break at the restaurant AU. We stayed on the grass and watched fishers and campers grilling. The Wagital mountain peak reminded us of old Western movies.
We reached Schrä-Innerthal at 3:50 p.m. The sun started going down and it was getting colder.
We crossed a narrow and short bridge and later a larger one. The last 15 minutes before reaching Innerthal went by quickly. As the sun was going down even more, the views of the trees with the leaves changing colors were indescribable.
If you come with small children it is stroller friendly and at the end back in the village you will find a playground. Count at least 3h15 minutes for this walk without breaks.