We are happy to share with our readers the recipe of Moules à la camarguaise. My French grand-mother often made it for her guests.
Moules à la camarguaise – credit photo Veronique Gray
Recipe for 6 people
2kg of mussels
some mayonnaise
1 or 2 glass(es) of white wine
some lemon juice
some parsley
1.Buy mussels when they are full (high season). Scrape them. Open them with white wine (1 or 2 glasses depending on the quantity of mussels).
2.Then remove part of the shell and leave the mussel on the remaining shell. Garnish a dish nicely with the mussels and put them in the fridge.
3.Filter the juice from the mussels through a strainer. Set aside in a container to cool and put it in the fridge.
4. The next day, make a mayonnaise and gently dilute it with the juice from the mussels to obtain a creamy liquid (not too runny but like cream).
5. Taste this juice and if necessary add a squeeze of lemon. Take the mussels out of the fridge. Cover them with the creamy preparation.
6.Then for a nice presentation, very very finely cut parsley and sprinkle it on the mussels. Refrigerate the dish until tasting.