The directors of the Zurich Film Festival, Nadja Schildknecht and Karl Spoerri, announced today that the three-time Oscar winner, Oliver Stone, will be the President of the Jury of the International Competition.
It will be the 5th visit of Oliver STONE since the festival started 15 years ago.
“Getty Images/ ZFF”
“We are delighted that Oliver Stone has accepted our invitation,” say co-directors Nadja Schildknecht and Karl Spoerri. “Stone has been a friend of our festival for twelve years now. He was recipient of the ‘A Tribute to …’ award during our third year, and our first major Hollywood guest. He has also been an invaluable advocate for the ZFF in Los Angeles. We are doubly thrilled that he is doing us the honour of returning to the ZFF for our last year as its operations directors.”
The American director, screenwriter and producer Oliver Stone won an Oscar for MIDNIGHT EXPRESS, for PLATOON and for BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY.
The Zurich Film Festival is only a few weeks away and will take place this year from Sept. 26th to Oct.6th.