Are you looking for beautiful photographs to decorate your house or your office? Then why not visiting the vernissage of Marine du Sordet.
The French phographer is proud to present for the second time this year her exhibition called “Passio”, a selection of black and white photographs of ballerinas.
Why “Passio”?
The Latin word is known to describe the passion but not only. Originally it was used to describe suffering.
Credits Marine du Sordet
Marine du Sordet describes well the story behind her work:
“Last September, I woke up in the middle of the night with dancers in my heart. From that moment on, it was impossible to chase them away. They were with me day and night no matter what I did! As someone who has never taken a ballet class and knows nothing about ballet, I become obsessed with the idea of taking pictures of ballerinas. Then the complicated part began: finding young women who would accept that I take pictures of them in not always ideal weather conditions. Most of the photos were taken during the winter of 2019, some in spring. All in Zurich. As the project progressed, I realized that many photographers had already covered the subject: their dancers are beautiful, graceful, perfect! While discussing with my models, paradoxically, I was struck by some of the themes raised. Certainly, for some, dancing gives them an intense feeling of joy and freedom, they even speak of an outlet. But for others, it is about self-denial, extreme demands, humiliation, misogyny, physical and mental suffering… I was also told about the difficult choice between dancing and giving life, eating properly and anorexia. It is all these darker aspects that have both upset and moved me to the point of deciding to focus my work more in this direction.”
Through her photographs Marine gives the viewer a strong message that a ballerina can show grace and passion on the stage but can be immensely suffering in and out.
The exhibition won’t keep you speechless.
Credits Marine du Sordet
Marine du Sordet was born in Paris in 1982 and has been in Zurich since 6 years. After a career in advertising for many years she chose to make of her passion her profession. Since she became a mother she is a professional photographer specializing in portraits and family.
Are you interested? Book here for the vernissage.
Where is it?
ZeoT Zürich Zentrum für orientalische Tanzkunst, 107 Lagerstrasse, Zurich
When is it?
Fri, September 27, 2019
Time.5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
There will be an Apero with Chilean & Argentinian wines from El Gusto and French specialities from Brio’chou.
The exhibition will remain at ZeoT until December 21st.