Photography between manipulation and the search for the perfect momentum
‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ they say. In the era of visual effects and imagistic manipulation, a photo or an image can have a most pertinent impact on you, within less than a second, without you even realizing it. It can resort to your empathy, it can arouse hatred, it can make you feel pleasure and the list could go on.
photographer Marco Brandenberger – photo taken by Vivamost at PhotoSchweiz
Visual stimuli stand at the very foundation of mass-manipulation in modern society. We are all stuck to our phones or PCs first and foremost due to the effects they have on our visual receptors. The content, the meaning, the message can be completely altered and compromised due to one single visual trick or imagistic effect. Even the headlines of an article or the curves of the letters can make a difference, let alone the colors. The devil is in the details. No wonder the art of photography is gaining more and more territory. The blending and forging of photography into a wide range of art forms is a process that is highly captivating to watch. The end result is an eclectic collage of precision, technical details, artistic flair, imagination, beauty, a revolution of visual effects, a new dimension of visual interaction.
photo taken by Vivamost at PhotoSchweiz – pictures on the beach right are taken by Ann Luttinger
Many seem to be lured by this world near perfection, the promise of seizing a fragment of a lost paradise. The macro image of a single drop of water reflected on a leaf, in the very first rays of the dawn, now that is something that would urge many of us to grab our cameras and try to shoot the perfect photo, in a desperate attempt to immortalize the epiphany of the momentum.
credits Dagobert Scharf
photographer Teemu – photograph taken by Vivamost at PhotoSchweiz
credits photo Vivamost
There is a huge market for this type of artistic form of expression. No wonder!
If you did not manage to get to, then you still have time to make up your mind till Tuesday but most importantly to make the time for it. More than 200 photographers show their works in a most colorful visual celebration. It is definitely an event you do not want to miss.
Anna-Zesiger PhotoSchweiz
The blue picture, it’s in reality a thin piece of bread on a lighttable with a blue transparent film under it and illuminated with red light from the top.
Dagobert Scharf
Thank you for your comment, Dagobert Scharf! I like the fact that it leaves room for interpretations. Algae or a sponge, were my guesses so I was a bit surprised to find out about the bread:). Interesting approach to our daily bread.