If you loved “Rock the Ballet” by the well-known dancers Rasta Thomas and Adrienne Canterna, you will surely enjoy “Romeo and Juliet”.
The Bad Boys and the Bad Girls of Dance were in Zurich at the Maag Halle last night with their new entertaining ballet retelling the tragedy of William Shakespeare. The Première was celebrated in Switzerland on September 24th, just a couple of weeks after the world Première in Germany.
Romeo and Juliet – Hires Aufnahme – copyright Maaghalle
Romeo and Juliet – Hires Aufnahme copyright Maag Halle
It is under a standing ovation that the 1h40 minutes show ended. No-one wanted the dancers to go back home.
The dancing was amazing with ballet moves mixed with jazz, hip-hop and other contemporary dance. The costumes were splendid especially the dresses of the friars, Juliet and the masks. The light display, constantly changing, was really well done.
Romeo and Juliet – Hires Aufnahme – Copyright Maag halle
And once again just like in “Rock the Ballet” the spectacle had contemporary music mixed with classical music. You will quite often hear Antonio Vivaldi’s four violin concertos, the “four seasons” but also love and up-beat songs from Katy Perry, Sting, Bruno Mars, Jay Z and even Lady Gaga!
“Romeo and Juliet” is still playing until Sunday night October 13th. Due the great success there will be an additional week in February next year from the 11th through the 16th. Don’t miss it!
Maag Halle – Hardstrasse 219 – Tel. +41 (0)44 444 26 26