About Sandrine Larive:
Sandrine Larive is a multi-faceted woman (“Slasheuse” in personal development as we call it in French).
She is a professional certified Coach / business consultant for entrepreneurs / practitioner in Hypnosis & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)/ public speaker / retreat organizer / artist. She specialized in helping every woman with a project unleash the creator within, whether they are entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, artists or in the quest for their mission in life.
She has been working for 15 years in a global food company until she reached the level of Associate Insights Director. Five years ago she moved from Paris to Geneva as her priority was settling in the environment that would enable her to create the life she was aiming for. Three years ago she started to transition on her journey to entrepreneurship with a test-and learn mindset.
Credit photo Sandrine Larive
Reinventing her career exploring her possible selves:
Five years ago, she found a book that would enable her to successfully change career one day: Working Identity from Herminia Ibarra, Professor of Organizational Behavior at London Business School.
The idea is to break from conventional career strategies to find a new working identity by DOING and not only via THINKING or waiting for a moment of epiphany. The unique method she offers today is to find your purpose / IKIGAI (reason for being) into practice, not staying only at a self-knowledge level. Her coaching pack “Find your mission in life to be 100% aligned” has been really inspired from this philosophy and her personal journey.
“ We are not oneself but many selves” *
As a first step in her reinvention, Sandrine spontaneously wrote down a list of around 12 jobs she could possibly do and accepted to enter a limbo period, navigating & testing possible future selves. Among them coach, therapist, journalist, interior designer, art gallery owner, etc…
Crafting early experiments:
As a researcher and explorer, she started to craft a series of experiments to see how she was feeling putting a foot in a new version of herself while still having another foot in the old version.
“Learning and unlearning is a circular, iterative process”
She built a program of Women In Leadership in our European/Australasian headquarter to start to test her coaching skills, nourish her value of knowledge transmission and help women blossom.
Then in order to nourish her curiosity, she started courses in professional coaching and Hypnosis/NLP in parallel of her daily job.
She researched entrepreneurship skills setting a conference around “how to acquire entrepreneur skills in a big multinational company” and bringing some of them for a panel discussion. She started to work from home for few days per month to understand what does it mean to do home office.
Finally, she enrolled in extracurricular activities to explore new frontiers, such as writing articles, and volunteering in areas she could contribute with joy as working with elderly people.
Lingering between identities, she sometimes felt an impostor syndrome in some situations. At times, we feel we are not legitimate. She now help clients overcome this syndrome that everyone feels at one point in time of change.
Hypnose conference – credit photo Sandrine Larive
Shifting connections and networks:
Three years ago, she started to change her connections to seek individuals working as entrepreneurs , including role models and mentors in new areas that she knew she could count on one day to ease the transition. She also started building purposeful relationships through various female networks (Lean In, LEAD, BPW Lake Geneva).
Changing career means also breaking the unconscious loyalties you have with your close circle of intimates as in many cases, they unconsciously want to maintain who you are.
“It is nearly impossible to change carriers without altering our social & professional circles” *
Rewriting your story with the filter of each experience:
Sometimes it is a posteriori that you find the right way to rewrite your story and find the thread of your life … for her, it’s food and empathy.
“You can’t change the past but you can rewrite your story”*
Looking back, she went from food to fuel the body to food for thoughts…The good news with spiritual food in comparison with physical food is that you can never have too much. The more you get, the more you grow. And this is really what she is passionate about now with her new job as a continuous learner.
In hindsight, she just transferred her empathy to unveil insights from consumers/brands to now people/women & businesses. Her previous job was to find purpose for brands, their north star and why they exist. Now, she uses this quest for meaning in service of people.
Credit photo Sandrine Larive
Trusting pivotal events & synchronicities:
Being an explorer means being aware of moments of insights in our life that catalyze change and force us to choose one possible self over another. She had many…
Here are few of them:
-First, she started to change her habits, including rethinking her relationship to food two years ago. Starting a paleo diet made her realize how much fueling her body with natural food was essential to be the athlete of her life.
-Second, she participated in Family Constellations that helped her understand why supporting women is bigger than her and why deciding to be intentional about it would be the right decision.
-And finally, new decisions in her previous company and turning forty helped her understand that she was at the end of a cycle and she could not live with regrets.
“Unexpected events often provoke insights”*
At the end, she realized she did not want to be compartmentalized into oneself; instead, she wants to enable multiple selves to thrive. Today, her new job encompasses one dimension of each job she had on her original list… You can craft your dream job, it may not exist yet…That’s why the name of her company is now KYRIELLE, meaning literally “multitude” or “myriad” in English but is also a poetry form bringing to life my passion for art.
You can read Sandrine ’s 9 tips to overcome the Impostor Syndrome in the Vivamost Health and Wellbeing section.
*Most quotes are from Herminia Ibarra
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/kyriellecoaching
Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomeNetwork/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandrine-larive-b2944a16/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR4DYbrQJvWnHd9C8CDCyJw