I think many superheroes need to change their fashion designers. No offense, they are fashionable except for superman. I mean who’s on earth wear an underwear over a pant and call it fashion. Isn’t it better if superman wore a boxer instead of his tight brief? I think he would bring more justice to earth with that. Boxers give more freedom to move, run and you maybe find a bit loose and awkward for a flying superhero yet you still have a plenty of choices and you can find a comfort tight perfect one.
The more freedom you feel, the more freedom you give.
Photo by Dale de Vera on Unsplash
Through the eyes of a physiotherapist, I can confirm that superheroes need to have some postural advice. I am not quite sure if any of them suffer from any back or knee pain but they extend their back and knee way too much. The nose of a physio smells that some work needs to be done here. You can still save the world with more relaxed position.
The more relaxation you feel, the better attitude you bring.
eneko-urunuela on Unsplash
My brain especially with the quarantine became way too critical. I am not against superhero, any fashion trend or obsessed about the perfect posture. Actually, I love superhero but I don’t stand the term “regular people”. Anyone who is true to himself/herself, who fight against darkness inside himself/herself and inside the world is a hero, a superhero. Every regular person does a heroic job in this world. A nameless person fight inside a dark room is a hero. A guy laughs in Gaza. A young girl dances her way to school in Africa. A doctor fights for better public health system. A woman stands against women killing under any name. A white man doesn’t think his skin is a privilege in Europe. Neither a custom nor a posture, a fake speech or a political verse make a hero.
national-cancer-institute on Unsplash
The more you save a life and bring a life, the more you are a superhero.