Zurich, October 5, 2013
“The four juries of the 9th Zurich Film Festival competition categories have presented their respective main award, the Golden Eye, to Mexico (International Feature Film), Denmark (International Documentary Film), Germany (German-Language Feature Film) and Switzerland (German-Language Documentary Film).
Anna Thommen and Christian Zingg from Neuland, winner documentary at ZFF – copyright Veronique Gray
The awards go to LA JAULA DE ORO from Diego Quemada-Diez (Mexico), LEJ EN FAMILIE A/S (RENT A FAMILY INC.) from Kaspar Astrup Schroeder (Denmark), FINSTERWORLD from Frauke Finsterwalder (Germany) and NEULAND from Anna Thommen (Switzerland). Each of the awards is endowed with a CHF 20’000 cash prize, and a CHF 60’000 non-cash prize for promotion of the respective film in Swiss cinemas.
The Critics Choice Award goes to FINSTERWORLD from Frauke Finsterwalder (Germany), the Audience Award goes to JOURNEY TO JAH from Noël Dernesch and Moritz Springer (Germany), and the newly introduced Children’s Film Audience Award for a film in the ‚ZFF for Kids’ section goes to BELIEVE from David Scheinmann (Great Britain).
The List of Awards
International Feature Film Competition Jury:
The 9th Zurich Film Festival’s Golden Eye for Best Film in the International Feature Film Competition category goes to: LA JAULA DE ORO from Diego Quemada-Diez (Mexico) A Special Mention goes to: Actor Michael B. Jordan in FRUITVALE STATION from Ryan Coogler (USA)
International Documentary Film Competition Jury:
The 9th Zurich Film Festival’s Golden Eye for Best Film in the International Documentary Film category goes to: LEJ EN FAMILIE A/S from Kaspar Astrup Schroeder (Denmark) A Special Mention goes to: THESE BIRDS WALK from Omar Mullick and Bassam Tariq (Pakistan)
German-Language Feature Film Competition Jury:
The 9th Zurich Film Festival’s Golden Eye for Best Film in the German-Language Feature Film Competition category goes to: FINSTERWORLD from Frauke Finsterwalder (Germany) A Special Mention goes to: DIE FRAU, DIE SICH TRAUT from Marc Rensing (Germany)
Documentary Film Competition Germany, Austria, Switzerland Jury:
The 9th Zurich Film Festival’s Golden Eye for Best Film in the Documentary Film Germany, Austria, Switzerland Competition category goes to: NEULAND from Anna Thommen (Switzerland) A Special Mention goes to: NAN GOLDIN – I REMEMBER YOUR FACE from Sabine Lidl (Germany)
Critics Choice Award Jury:
The three critics from the Schweizerischen Verband der Filmjournalistinnen und Filmjournalisten (SVFJ) give their award to the best debut film from either of the two feature film competition categories.
The SVFJ Critics Choice Award goes to: FINSTERWORLD from Frauke Finsterwalder (Germany)
Audience Award The Audience Award is presented to the best film from any of the four competition categories as determined by members of the audience.
The Audience Award goes to: JOURNEY TO JAH from Noël Dernesch and Moritz Springer (Germany)
The Children’s Film Audience Award The Children’s Film Audience Award is presented to a film from the ‚ZFF for Kids’ section.
The Children’s Film Audience Award goes to: BELIEVE from David Scheinmann (Great Britain)
Treatment Competition Award The first ever Award for Best Treatment goes to British-born Swiss resident Dave Tucker for his project STÜRM – BIS ICH TOT BIN ODER FREI. Dave Tucker receives a CHF 5000 cash prize and a further CHF 25’000 towards development of the screenplay.”
ZFF Press Release