If you have heard of the Blue Man group (founded in 1987), you probably will be interested in seeing the Voca People, an acappella group from Israel. While they might still be unknown to you, viewers of Yout Tube have enjoyed their performances online. One of their video clips had 40 Million clicks worldwide and has been seen 15 Million times just in Italy in six months! it is certainly a matter of time before the entire world talks about the Voca People!
The Voca People – credit Voca People
The group has gotten so popular in Italy due to their amazing first appearance on the TV show “Ale e Franz” in September 2009. The Voca People had so much success, they started touring everywhere in Italy. At that time the group was just starting, founded in early 2009 by two men, Lior Kalfo and Shai Fishman. Lior Kalfo, an actor and director living in Israel, got the idea to start an acapella group around 2005. He had worked on TV series, in various theater spectacles and on the musical “Aladdin”. Shari Fishman, an Isrealit living in Los Angeles, is a composer, musical director and producer. He has worked on well-known musicals such as “West Side Story” & “Grease”.
The Voca People is a group of eight men and women, more exactly five men and three women all dressed in white with red lips. In their show they arrive on earth with a spaceship, having left their planet Voca. They are a group of aliens, who can only communicate with the humans on planet earth via sounds and music.
Their motto is simple and no doubt many of us could agree with it : “Life is music and music is life”.
The group members are called Beat-on, Scratcher, Tubas, Alta, Bari-tone, Mezzo, Soprana, and Tenero. The names represent what each can sing or which sound effects or beats each can do. For instance, Tenero is a tenor and Alta can hold a tone for a very long long time. As they reproduce so well the sound of any kind of instruments it is hard to believe they really sing acapella.
Just after their long stay in the Big Apple and their 400 performances there, the Voca People are now on tour in Europe. In their two-hour Premiere at the Maag Halle they delighted the Swiss public. Men, women and children of all ages came to the show and quickly loved what they saw and heard.
A performance of the Voca People – credit Voca People
The Voca People are also acrobats, comedians and good dancers. They often ask the public to participate or mingle in the crowd during theirs songs. It is sometimes difficult to know which one is actually singing!
What do these aliens dressed in white can sing?
Easy, about anything you can think of from Halleluhah, a Figaro aria, some popular hits from Abba and Queen or the Jackson Five and hits like “We are the World” from Michael Jackson, “My Girl” from the Temptations or “The Moves like Jagger” from Maroon 5.
This is not all, they can rap and perform film and cartoon musics like the Pink Panther and James Bond!
They will be in Zurich until December 2nd before continuing their tour to France/Switzerland/Belgium until the middle of June. They will be in Paris in Bobino until the 20th of January. Later they will go to Germany and even Japan.
The Voca People will make you laugh, smile,enjoy good music and simply have a good time. If you get the chance, go watch their show!
To book go to www.vocapeople-show.ch or call 0900 101 102