Think about it, you’re in business to make a profit and to be of service but you keep on discounting your worth, you don’t have a money goal and you carry on with old money habits such as bartering your services, offering free consultations, and leaving money on the table. Leaving you discouraged and wondering what you’re doing wrong if you’re giving your 100% to your business.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
As a seasoned entrepreneur, I can tell you money blockages are real and they can hunt you down for years. It can also be that you unblock one aspect of your old habits and then fall back or discover a new one. Bottom line is that your Money Mindset Matters when you are in the business of making money.
If you’d like to self assess, carry on the read, let’s start by checking in your self-worth. Close your eyes and think about this: Three years from today my annual income will be CHF?
Setting your intention is the first step and having a clear vision of the goal will allow you to concentrate on a daily basis to achieve it. That is, schedule your time and efforts to commit to your money goals, not just allowing life to surprise you as you move forward.
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash
I am a strong proponent to stop trading hours for dollars. Instead, focus on your clients’ results and charge what the outcome is worth, give it your best and welcome your clients into your business ecosystem. However, that’s tough I know. Why? Because we have been trained to value our worth per hour, we carry on being charged by other service providers by the hour and some the minute, and deep down inside we compare our services to others in the market space. What I propose is different, while you’re not charging by the hour (because let’s face it your clients don’t care about the time you dedicate to them, they care about the transformation to the problem your expertise can help them achieve), always use the amount your time is worth to calculate the cost of your time invested in marketing and delivering each offer. So, having this in mind, what’s that one project you can let go of so that instead, you can focus on offering your most profitable product?
If you’d like to find out your worth do the following: take the total sum of your 3 years income, divided by the number of hours per week you want to work in 1 year, and that will total the amount your time is worth per hour.
Shifting mindset patterns is a process, it’s work that requires awareness and discipline. These shifts can be achieved in a short time if you commit to setting your intention in improving this aspect of yourself. There are lots of exercises to consider when looking into releasing these money blocks and that’s what I help my clients with as a Holistic Business Coach.
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash
However, I believe this piece wouldn’t be complete if I don’t leave you building an identity statement. So, let’s do that! Identity statements are there to help us get clear on who we would like to be, to become, not who we are today. The key thought is to state these in the present tense and have them visible so on a daily basis this message gets imprinted in your consciousness and in time becomes your reality. And, of course, once you achieve this one you can then move on unto the next, and so on. So fill in the blank: I am awesome because _______ and _________. Think about your brilliance and the way you help your clients transform while brainstorming on these: skills and talents you’ve developed over time, books you’ve written or contributed to, positions you’ve held, awards you’ve won, life experiences or situations you’ve overcome, natural skills and talents, what you have created, what you’re proud of having accomplished, and then narrow it down to two words to insert in the blanks.
Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash
I hope this exercise makes you feel joy, proud and you walk away with a sense of achievement because this is what you want to feel every day when you begin your work servicing others. And with this level of confidence do the work, re-evaluate your fees, and go charge what you’re worth. Feel free to reach out to me in your process if you need help. To your success!
About the Author:
Andrea is a health and wellness advocate, a holistic business coach and has been an entrepreneur, international networker, strategist and business developer throughout her professional career. She helps women entrepreneurs design their own balance with a business that reflects their uniqueness through her coaching business, Andrea Cristancho Int.