Please, find here some ideas of what to do in Zurich during the month of April:
Until May 12th: Marc Chagall paintings at the Kunsthaus
April 20th: from Buddha to Picasso, a collection from Eduard von der Heydt at the Rietberg museum
Starting April 19th: Swiss Press Photo 13,the 90 best photos of the Swiss Press at the Landesmuseum
rocktheballet- copyright Herbert Schulze
April 2nd to April 14th: “Rock the Ballet” at the Maag Halle. 20 % Discount for Vivamost readers here
April 6th: Nigel Kennedy at the Tonhalle The British violinist comes with his show “Bach meets Fats Waller”.
April 14th: Kids concert at the Tonhalle
April 12th & 28th: Falstaff, Giuseppe von Verdi opera at the Opernhaus
April 11th to the 28th: 25th Dixie & Blues Festival at the Schützenhaus Albisgütli
April 23rd to May 12th: Swan lake Reloaded at the Maag Halle: when Tchaikovskys meets Streetdance. Check out the website here for more info. Special discount for Vivamost readers here
Svansjön 2011; Lisa Arnold mfl. Swan lake Reloaded – credit Mats Bäcker
April 14 & 15th: Spring festival with two parades downtown Zurich and the burning of the Böögg. Children parade is on Sunday April 14th at 2h30 p.m.
More about Sechseläuten here.
sechseläuten children’s parade in Zurich
Apriil 2nd to April 21st: Das Zelt at the Kasernenareal with Rock the Circus with Stéphane Lambiel, Cavewoman, Marco Rima, Divertimento, Jungle book and much more. – Rock the Circus with Stephane Lambiel – credit Das Zelt
April 7th: 11th Zurich Marathon
April 18th: tea at Jelmoli with sommelier Peter Rindlisbacher. Learn all about tea and of course eat some scones while drinking tea.
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Price CHF 60 with a discount for Jelmoli card holders CHF 50.
April 6th, 7th, 20th & 21st:Tennessee Williams play “Cat on a hot tin roof” (Die Katze auf dem heissen Blechdach) directed by Stefan Pucher with actors Tabea Bettin, Jan Bluthardt, Jean-Pierre Cornu, Jonas Gygax, Julia Jentsch, Nicolas Rosat, Markus Scheumann and Friederike Wagner.
At the Schauspielhaus in Zurich and with English surtitles on April 7th, 20th & 26th.