Every year during the holiday season, the circus Conelli comes to Zurich.
It is still there until January 2d, 2011.
For more info click here:
If you like ice skating, another unique experience in Zurich is Live on Ice. The large ice-skating ring is located on Museumstrasse 2 near the main train station. It is opened until January 2d. You can rent equipment there if you need it.
You still have until January 2d to go experience the show “Swiss Christmas”. It is a comedy and musical show for the entire family.
For the holiday you can hear groups singing Christmas carols every day until December 23rd. Monday-Friday singing is at 5:30 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. and on the weekend there are two additional times at 2:30 p.m & 3:30 p.m. It is on the Werdmühlerstrasse. If you have never been there, it is something to go see at least once. Songs and singers change daily.
Are interested in getting a fresh tree delivered at home for the holidays?
You can call: 044 463 1404.
Do you want to cut your own tree and bring it home? Go to Werkhof Hönggerberg on Saturday Dec. 18th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or to the Forstgarten in Albisgütli on Sunday Dec. 19th from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Cut your own tree, sign in Albisguetli
The two best tennis players in the world will be playing a benefit match on Dec.21st at the Hallenstadion. Unfortunately all tickets are already sold. According to Ticketcorner all 10,000 tickets were sold on September 1st within a few minutes, much faster than the second concert of U2 this summer. Maybe you can still find tickets on Ebay, Ricardo or piazza.ch. Good luck!