Child face while eating some chocolate – copyright salon du chocolat
Then, don’t miss out the SALON DU CHOCOLAT in Zurich this week.
The two founders of the Salon du Chocalat, Sylvie Douce and Francois Jeantet, will open the 2nd salon in Switzerland on Thursday night in an Avant Première. The fair will run from Friday,March 22nd through Sunday,March 24th. 18,000 to 20,000 visitors are expected during the three days at the Zurich Messe in Hall 5.
Picture of Sylvie Douce & Fançois Jeantet ©clolg
It has been many hard and long working days for the team of managers in France and in Switzerland who cooperated together to make this happen.
Since the beginning of the first salon in 1994, Sylvie Douce and Francois Jeantet have been going across the world with their chocolate fairs organized and created by Event International n Paris. There has been more than 120 salons from Paris, Cairo to Seoul with about 24 fairs yearly.
After 18 years the Salon du Chocolat arrived in 2012 in a country where chocolate is king. The Swiss eat more chocolate in a year than any other country,14kg per person on average.
Models at the Salon du chocolat in Zurich – Fashion show – copyright Salon du chocolat
The daily highlight will be the 5 p.m fashion show presented by Patricia Boser. Twelve models, dressed by twelve duos of designers and Maîtres chocolatier, will walk on the runway wearing amazing chocolate dresses. While the theme of last year was the opera, this year it will be the new worlds of chocolate. Seven duos come from Switzerland such as Pascal Beschle & Sara Hochuli from Les Gourmandises de Miyuko, Confiserie Sprüngli & Christa Carouge, Ariane Wirth from Suteria Chocolata & Cornelia Müller. There are also French duos such as Thierry Lalet from the chocolateria Saunion & Laetitia Mac Leod and David Capy from Bordeaux & Charlotte Jaubert from Esmod.
SDC – Zurich 2012 – Ladurée – copyright Nicolas Rodet
What can you do and see there?
There will be 90 participants, almost twice as many as the previous year. Läderach, Camille Bloch, Suteria, Beschle, Villars, Les Gourmandises de Miyoko, Comptoir du Cacao, Say Chocolate, Gouffrais, Chocolaterie Saunion, Maison Boissier, confiseries Sprüngli and Honold will be there and many others.
Beautiful cake at the 2012 salon du chocolat – credit Salon du chocolat
Salon du Chocolat 2012 – Easter Egg copyright Nicolas Rodet
Salon du Chocolat – Zurich 2012 – pieces of chocolate- copyright Nicolas Rodet
Salon du chocolat 2012 – copyright Nicolas Rodet
If you sign up early enough when you arrive at the fair, you can take part in one of the many Ateliers Patisserie and make cupcakes, mousse au chocolat or pralinés.
You can join the numerous conferences (listed under Chocosphere) in the program and learn which wine and beer go well with chocolate or see how to make Matcha, the new creation of Sara Hochuli and Pascal Beschle.
You can visit some of the 1 hour live-cooking shows (called in the program Chocodemo) in German & French (one is in English) of famous Chefs. Jürg Wernli and the BHM School of Lucerne will be there, Tobias Funke from Funkes Obstgarten in Freienbach, Marcel Schmitutz from Clouds, Antonio Colaianni from Restaurant Mesa, Manuela Hasler and Pascal Haag from Hiltl in Zurich, Antonio Alampi from Il Casale, Thomas Sporrer from Gstaad Palace, Sébastien Eckler from Les Trois Rois in Basel and many more.
They will make for you a tarte au chocolat, mousse au chocolat, brownies, tiramisu and chocolate surprises.
Don’t miss the old fashioned Devil’s Food cake from Nick Malgieri from the New York culinary institute.
This year’s guest is Brazil, a country where the consumption of chocolate is booming and its residents have become the 4th biggest chocolate consumers in the world. The Salon du Chocolat will be in Salvador de Bahia in July.
If you have children the fair offers ateliers for children of ages 4 to 8. The children can learn about chocolate, draw and of course eat chocolate!
Opening times: daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Where: Walliselenstrasse 49 in Oerlikon
Price: Adults 18 CHF – Half price from 12 – 6 and free until the age of 6.
For more information about the salon du chocolat in Zurich with the list of participants, shows and activities click here.
Quelles belles images chocolatées ! On salive,on salive et on admire le talent des artistes ! Qui n’aime pas le chocolat ! Chocolat tout en douceur nous console et nous fait tant de bien ….tout en modération bien sûr ! Merci Véronique pour ce bel article.