Do you ever wonder what does a rope-dancer feel high up in the air, while defying death? Do
you ever ask yourself what sort of strength and self-composure one needs to master in order to be
always in control? They cannot afford to be nervous, displeased or out of shape during the show.
They are denied the luxury of hesitation or the slightest mistake. They are the daredevils of
circuses. Discipline and sacrifice are their logos, dedication and perseverance are their best
Duo Vladimir – credits Dmitry Shakhin
What is it about the circus that mesmerizes each and one of us? To some is the intensity of
certain acrobatic stunts, to others it might be the old clown’s foolish pranks, whose eternal smile
bears a great deal of tragedy. Others are fascinated by the luxurious costumes, the sparkling
lights and decors. To many more is the world of exotic animals, that are turned into jolly pets by
one single gesture of the tamer. It is a mysterious fairytale world, one that holds something
unique for each of us, while being a miniature mirror of our world of vanity fair.
Duo Vladimir – credits Vivamost
Finalists of ‘America’s Got Talent’, Silver medalists at the International Circus Festival in Kiev
and the owners of the Bronce Clown after the International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo,
originally from Ukraine, the two acrobats are both called Vladimir and started acrobatic sports at
an early age.
America´s Got Talents You Tube
The two perfect masculine body shapes push their limits beyond normality, depicting amazing
strength, breath-taking hand-on-hand acrobatics, highly intricate and demanding stunts which
culminate in a death-defying balancing act.