After intense training with 21 Himalayan Masters since early childhood, in search of himself, Shiva Guruji devoted more than 30 years the study of yoga, Vedic Arts, 64 spiritual arts and the oriental as well as occidental philosophies. Shiva Guruji became Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master, Soul Guide and Life transformer for people from all religions and cultures, out of intense compassion and in service of humanity. The Himalayan Master gives global conferences and Shiva Dhyan Yoga Teacher Trainings in Switzerland and worldwide.
Shiva Guruji is also awakened Artist and introduced “Spiritualism Art” as the first Indian Art Movement in the form of “-ism”. In the past 30 years, Shiva Guruji has exhibited his artwork in his homeland India, Switzerland, Paris, Sydney, New York, Los Angeles and other places.
Master Shiva Guruji, how was your childhood? At what moment did you feel sort of a click to start devoting to your mission?
“My mother was yogini, deeply spiritual. She wanted to learn and teach this art. Before I was born, my near ones prepared my arrival by praying to God to call the divine to come in our family and that I could receive all divine knowledge necessary to offer my life in service of the world.
I became gradually the reflection of my 21 Himalayan Masters. The first gave me the light to mediate, the second, my two eyes for the awakening and the ability to know who I really am, the third, the power to think positively and forget all negativity. All the other Masters have followed a well-elaborated script for my education. I was trained to become Master with discipline. My name “Aruneshvar” means the first light and sunshine. In the zodiac this is the God of the world.”
As a teenager, was this a revelation, an inner joy or a constraint?
My childhood was wonderful. The other children were wondering, why I was treated like a God. I was used to spend only time with wise Masters and people who had each a special talent in a particular domain. I did not experience any kind of suffering, I was protected and looked after 24 hours, bathing in positivity.
Was there a final initiation to become a Master, could you share about this experience?
Learning philosophy, music, painting, initiation into spirituality, looking at the beauty of the universe. I am a reflection of all, which was taught to me and I am sending back positivity and love for humanity.
Master Shiva Guruji, you have initiated Shiva Dhyan Yoga Meditations at Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland, after you were trained by 21 Masters in Himalaya. What is Shiva Dhyan Yoga?
“Shiva Dhyan Yoga is a meditation method to awaken the awareness, which leads to a self-knowledge.
Realizing who you are with your own breath, soul, heart, body and mind, Shiva Dhyan Yoga gives you the experience with yourself in SHIVA, which means:
Its practice is multidimensional and transforms on spiritual, physical, mental and emotional level. The negativity dissolves and inner peace, joy and unconditional love is gained. It is a path towards supreme happiness, a path towards Enlightenment.”
As a Master, what do you give the world?
My role is to give to others wisdom and universal love.
How is a typical day for you?
DivineParis – credi photo Master Shiva Guruji
I use to work a lot. Work is a worship, work is a meditation. I get up at around 3.30am and stay connected with Shiva. I listen to my inner self and visualize the world with a feeling of compassion and benevolence. I also use all the new technology. I see TV to see the world and what is happening. From 7am onward and when the sun rises, I pray, receive light and energy of the heart, not from the mind. Every morning during one hour I write and I paint. Thereafter I eat only when I am hungry. Then during 9 hours, I dedicate myself to giving soul guidance and transmitting knowledge with personal meetings, skype, emails, and written responses.
What are the people who are coming to you looking for and what can you give them?
Only positivity and especially to the people who want to give the energy to others.
Master Shiva Guruji at Mount Matterhorn: Shiva Guruji will give a Shiva Dhyan Yoga Teachers Training from 3.-4.10.20 at Mount Matterhorn together with Shivani Himalaya. “My roots are in Himalaya and my branches in the whole world”, Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar
How can we improve our lives?
You have to eliminate two demons from your mind. The first is fear and the second doubt. It is important to replace fear with the belief in yourself, in nature, the universe and humanity. Do not think how the world is doing and how to change it. Change yourself, your mind with your positive thoughts and see what you can give the Universe. You must remove your doubts. It is important to realize the divine in us, to reconnect and to be initiated. Someone asked me recently “what can we do for the world”. I replied “stop gossiping and start taking positive action!”.
In Europe we are living difficult moments with negative vibrations. What do we have to realize concerning what is happening, how to come out of doubt, how to forgive and find harmony in ourselves in the daily life?
Spirituality is beneficial and also sharing positive thoughts. Let us stop cultivating a mental state which harms others and ourselves. It is important not to indulge in what is comfortable and easy. It is important to stop thinking and saying negative things and to start speaking about the beautiful things which we want to create. Everyone must contribute, take action and not speak unnecessarily. What the world can do for us is not important, what we can do for the world is important. If you want peace, speak of peace and forget the past and turn towards future.
Thank you Shiva Guruji.
Learn more about Master Shiva Guruji:
Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
Shiva Guruji on Facebook:
About the Interviewer: Shivani Himalaya
Shivani Himalaya is Swiss Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master-Teacher, Writer, Spiritualism Art Curator, Vedic Soul Astrologer and Life Coach. Shivani Himalaya was trained by Master Shiva Guruji in the Himalayas, India & at Mount Matterhorn among seven Mountains in Switzerland to become the first Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master-Teacher. Together with Shiva Guruji, Shivani Himalaya trains Shiva Dhyan Yoga teachers and gives conferences and workshops worldwide.
Shiva Guruji & Shivani Himalaya have contributed to the life of more than 5000 individuals with Shiva Dhyan Yoga trainings in the past 6 years, especially in Paris, Switzerland & New York, including corporates such as EY.
Connect with Shivani Himalaya on Facebook/ Instagram / YouTube