If you live in Zurich don´t miss the Floating Candles (Lichterschwimmen) Advent´s event tomorrow night.
At 6:00 pm at the Stadthausquai hundreds of children from schools in the Canton of Zurich will come together and let lanterns float on the Limmat river.
Floating candles – credits ZURICH TOURISM
This traditional event takes place every year since 1962. The idea came from Hansruedi Obi, a teacher from the Ilgen School in Zurich, who wanted to celebrate the last day of school before Christmas. From 1962 to 1990 school children used to make small boats to put candles inside. Then in 1991 Jürg Inhelder, a primary school teacher from, changed the idea. There are no little boats anymore but lanterns, which are made in school. The teacher brings them in his car and as he can´t put more than 800 in it that explains the number floating on the river.
children at the floating candles – credits ZURICH TOURISM -izabeth real
The event is organized by the Zurich Tourism office and it brings many visitors to town. Warm punsch will be served from 5 to 7 pm on the Weinplatz. It is a lovely event to end the end of the year. We recommend it vividly.
Punsch served at the floating candles event in Zurich – credits Zurich Tourism
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