Goddess Siddhidhatri copyright Shiva Guruji
The Goddess within us, the sacred energy is called « Shakti » in Sanskrit and designates the feminine power in each of us, as Master Shiva Guruji explains.
With impressive colours and intricate design, the Himalayan Master and artist brings to life Gods and Goddesses, emerging from Shiva Guruji’s visions in deep meditation on canvas.
The Himalayan artist conveys the universal wisdom from Himalaya through mystic symbols and artistic and sacred geometry patterns, which are part of Shiva Guruji’s energy painting and Spiritualism Art movement.
Through “Spiritualism Art”, Shiva Guruji introduces the first Indian Art Movement in the form of an “-ism”, giving expression to the rich patrimony of Himalayan art and culture through. Shiva Guruji explains that in India there are more than 300 000 Gods and Goddesses and that each of them represents qualities and virtues and the potential, which is inherent in every human being.
Goddess Siddhidatri is the giver (datri) of spiritual power (siddhi) beautifully depicted on canvas. She gives energy with her right, blessing hand and receives energy with the left hand.
“As we inhale, we have to exhale and then inhale again. In the same way, whatever we have, we have to give. The more we give, the more we get. Givers get, it is a universal law. Whatever talent, we were gifted, we have to contribute with it to humanity”, emphasizes Shiva Guruji.
The left hand is also held in the “dhyan mudra”, a specific hand gesture, which is key in Shiva Dhyan Yoga meditation, the Himalayan meditation method, which Shiva Guruji has for the first time initiated at Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland.
With the right hand the Goddess is holding the trident, symbolizing the power to transcend all three dimensions of time, past, present and future. It is a state of consciousness, which can be reached through Shiva Dhyan Yoga meditation. With the left upper hand, the Goddess holds the damaru drum, out of which thousands of “OM” sounds are created. Shiva Guruji explains, that the OM is the sound of origin, with which Shiva created the world. The OM pervades the entire existence and is inherent in all life, in all sounds and origin of all languages. The golden OM syllables are beautifully written in Sanskrit around the Goddess who shows us our own potential, we carry in us.
Her lotus heart is wide open. “When you give, when you contribute to other people’s life, your heart center becomes more and more open,” elucidates Shiva Guruji.
The Goddess Siddhidatri emerges out from the center of the painting in a circle, which symbolizes eternity, without beginning, without end. It is the essence of existence, the spark of life, which always was, which always is and which will always be.
The Yantra with the four openings sets a foundation of the art creation, which unfolds like a flower from the center to four directions. Each gate represents dharma (life purpose), kam (work creation), arth (financial freedom) and moksha (liberation), the four pillars of human life.
Shiva Guruji: Himalayan Master and Artist
After graduating in Fine Arts from British Art School J.J. School of Arts in Mumbai with distinction, Master Shiva Guruji set off on a journey of self-search to Himalaya. The young artist learnt was inspired by Himalayan, Tibetan and Nepalese art and learnt from a Buddhist Lama how to create the traditional tanka paintings in Tibet, Nepal and Himalayas.
Shiva Guruji’s self-search culminated in Himalayan training by seven Spiritual Masters from Himalaya and the experience of enlightenment, which the artist and Master conveys through his art creation.
Shiva Guruji has exhibited his Art during the past 30 years in deciphering the language of his soul through his luminous paintings on canvas at 25 Spiritualism Art Exhibitions in his homeland India and at 25 Spiritualism Art Exhibitions in Switzerland and Paris, curated by Shivani Himalaya.
Upcoming Exhibition Opening:
Date: 28 October 2020, 6pm, registration: Shivani Himalaya shivanihimalaya@gmail.com
Gallery Keller of Heidi Suter (since 1981) , Selnaustr. 15, 8001 Zurich
Related Articles:
www.shivaguruji.org, www.shivagurujishivani.org; www.gurujiaruneshvar.com; www.spiritualismshivaguruji.com; www.shivaniswiss.org
About the Author
Shivani Himalaya (Katrin Suter) is Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master-Teacher, Writer, Spiritualism Art Curator and Life Coach.
Shivani Himalaya has exhibited Shiva Guruji’s art work in Paris and Switzerland throughout the past six years in more than 25 art exhibitions.
Trained by Master Shiva Guruji in the Himalayas, India & at Mount Matterhorn among seven Mountains in Switzerland, Shivani Himalaya became the first Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master-Teacher. Together with Shiva Guruji Shivani Himalaya trains Shiva Dhyan Yoga teachers and gives conferences and workshops worldwide.
Shiva Guruji & Shivani Himalaya have contributed to the life of more than 5000 individuals with Shiva Dhyan Yoga trainings in the past 6 years, especially in Paris, Switzerland & New York, including corporates such as EY.