

Reclaim your individuality !

A close friend of mine made a statement during a nice dinner, which led me to consider writing for this blog. She said: « If I refer to my feelings, there are currently more coaches on the market than people who require their services. » I understood her position to an extent, then began thinking about what it is that makes my coaching different from so many others? A holistic approach over a contemporary hashtag is the answer.

My core passion is to support my clients on their path to re-find their own individuality, or to detect it for the very first time via the method of Individual Psychology Coaching (Alfred Adler). My method is mind based, with a strong support (if desired by the client) of my mediumship abilities. There are coaches who focus on body issues, others on the mind, and a growing number on spiritual issues. I see a human being as a three-fold bio-entity/creature of body, mind, and spirit.  The individual is not to be separated into three different parts.

Cecile Schniter

What happened to individuality?

From what I have observed, the impact of outer influence has been rising in the past several decades.  We are being told what to wear, which formations are too attractive to be missed, which places we definitely must see on our next holiday trip (well not during Covid – it’s actually quite the opposite now), and so forth.

I consider internet media to be a big source of inspiration, but have come to realize that the more I use it, the more I am at a loss with myself because of distractions. To illustrate, when standing on a corner in a city, searching for a certain destination, it is not helpful to only go window shopping prior to determining one’s location. That should be a point of reference, an understanding where we are prior to venturing toward our destination.  Ask yourself, what is it that you would need in order to find the best link between departure and destination, geographical but also spiritual? Even after finding the shortest route a question may arise, do I feel like I want to reach my destination as quickly as possible, or is a stroll in a park a welcome detour? Do I go there by foot, by public transport or taxi? Or, do I rely on everyone else to make decisions and outline directions for me in order to arrive at my destination?

Figure 1. Everything is somewhere. Each individual can reach it in a way that fits his/her own terms and needs. Photo courtesy of Z. Pavlovic.

Decision making can not be outsourced

When facing an important issue in life people often ask others for opinions and suggestions.  Feedback received can provide a variety of possible options from which to choose.  Yet, being presented with multiple options, while relying solely on input from others, also can lead to not grasping which direction leads to the best decision.  Even those who love us the most can send us on a wrong path, if we allow them to do so, while thinking that they are helping us. This leads to questions of why is it that we can have the feeling of internal insufficiency in decision making, and how come we are not secure enough to take our own path?

Knowing oneself in all aspects of life allows us to make proper decisions. This highly individual ‘self-knowledge’ starts forming us within unique social circumstances since birth. Everybody’s social circumstances differ; it even applies to siblings living in the same household.  The first born, who for a while enjoys the experience of being a single child, often expresses jealousy upon the second child‘s arrival when parents divide parental attention.

As we enter adulthood, social behaviours that we have to cope with on a daily basis multiply greatly; our responses start running on an autopilot mode.  Yet being creatures of habit we often wait until our problems grow into overwhelming obstacles that push us outside our comfort zone.  When this happens consider re-evaluating directions and decisions in life by looking at it from a broader perspective, in a holistic manner with assistance from a neutral, non-judgemental expert.  Together, we can improve the path toward individuality—you have all the inner knowledge that should be set free.


Cécile Schniter has a coaching praxis on the lake of Zurich. Coaching sessions are exclusively offered in German.

Head: Unconventional, analytical thinker   

Heart: strong, empathic  

Roots: 2 decades of business and leadership experience

Cecile Schniter Beratungen
Instagram account cecile_schniter_beratungen
LinkedIn account Cécile Schniter 



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