Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine with its origins going back to Hippocrates. All living things have an inner healing force which strives to maintain balance at all times. Through trauma and stress the inner vitality attempts to maintain homeostasis or balance. At times with an accumulation of external stressors it can be overwhelming and lead to imbalance resulting in disease. The objective of the homeopath is to then assist the body to overcome what has been overwhelming to it so that the inner healing force may resume and complete its process. Homeopathy allows the body’s intelligence to bring about healing from within.
Homeopathy books – credit photo Renee Blanchardt
All living things have an innate healing force. That being so, then the plant kingdom, mineral kingdom and the animal kingdom are utilized for their medicinal powers. All homeopathic medicines are made by serial dilution and succession of the original substance, for example Apis is the crushed honey bee. The process of serial dilution and succession energizes the medicine with the medicinal aspects of the medicine whilst removing any molecular remains of the original substance. For example Apis 30 C contains no molecular remains from the original bee so it is safe for anybody with a bee allergy. However what remains in the water is the memory of the original substance, the spirit or unseen force which has been captured. Therefore Apis as a medicine will treat sharp stinging, red, swollen pain, from an insect bite or infection. If you think of the bee sting then you will know its action.
The second aspect of homeopathy is that it treats based on the principle ‘Let Like Cure Like’. What this means is, it uses the Law of Similars rather than the Law of Opposites. For example, the Law of Opposites would be to prescribe a sleeping tablet when unable to sleep, this is the Law of Opposite as it is the opposite force to that which is in the body. It is not the body creating the change, it is the medicine. The Law of Similars utilized in homeopathy would give a substance that promotes wakefulness, such as coffee in its potentized Homeopathic medicinal form. This further stimulates the body momentarily, so that the body corrects itself and creates sleep of its own accord. This fundamental principle is allowing the body and its own intelligence to bring about balance.
Homeopathy believes that all symptoms of illness are expressions of the inner vitality attempting to find balance. When these symptoms are suppressed they drive the disease state back into the body, without allowing balance and healing to occur. The unpleasant symptom may be gone momentarily but it inevitably returns either worse or in a different manifestation. This action will weaken the inner vitality and not lead to healing.
Credit Jake Townsend on Unsplash
Homeopathy is the second largest medicine used worldwide and is a completely safe medicine as there are no molecular remains in the potentized medicines, so we are able to employ a range of substances from nature and utilize their healing powers. Furthermore, homeopathy doesn’t interfere with any medications and can be very fast acting depending on the condition, duration and state of the innate healing force of the individual.
Homeopathy strives to bring about cure without harm, quickly, efficiently, and permanently in accordance with the Divine Laws of Nature. Homeopathic medicine can be used on the unborn child, the new born baby, and at all stages of life, in a gentle manner.
Homeopathy is not limited to physical disease; it can work on very deep levels of the whole person, taking into consideration the mind, emotions as well as the physical particulars of each individual. That way homeopathy is a true holistic medicine.
There are many causes for disease, such as:
Inherited – genetic predisposition to particular disease states
Acquired – vaccinations, infection, stress
credit photo Renee Blanchardt
Personal experience:
Birth trauma, vaccinations, fevers, infection, emotions issues, medications, drugs, alcohol, general anaesthetic, disappointments, failure, anxiety, restlessness, depression, sleeping issues, hormonal changes, fertility concerns, relationship conflicts, divorce, communication issues, feeling of rejection, failure, being alone, fears and phobias, grief, anger, jealously, sadness, skin conditions, digestive disturbances, allergies, excessive perspiration, warts etc.
Homeopathy uses time line therapy to pin point the exact cause of the original symptom, for example digestive problems since travel/food poisoning 5 years ago. This is considered “never well since” an occasion (puberty, pregnancy, menopause, divorce, redundancy, bereavement, illness etc).
Homeopathy believes that the strongest assault to our vitality is stress and our inability to recover from it naturally resulting in genetic disease. A prescription of one single dose will allow movement to occur to overcome stress and to heal, restore balance and reduce genetic predispositions to disease pathways.
Classical homeopathy uses the rule of minimum dose, meaning that you are given a medicine to take usually one time only and not to be taken on a daily basis. It is common to receive a Constitutional Prescription.
credit photo Renee Blanchardt
This is the optimal prescription but not always the first medicine that you are prescribed.
This is a medicine that will suit you time and time again and is ideal to have identified and to have available to you in the future to bring back balance once more.
Homeopathy believes it is not what happens to us that is important but how we are able to overcome it or how we respond to the stimuli, which is individual for each person. This is where imbalance will result differently for each individual. Until the inner healing force is able to overcome the stress, healing will not take place effectively on a deep and permanent level.
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash
Renee studied for 6 years and has taught and worked in clinics in India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, Germany and in the UK. She is a classically trained homeopath specializing in constitutional prescribing which will improve sleep, energy and general vitality of the totality of the individual.