Breathe in. Pause. Breathe out. In between there is a gap. For a moment we close the eyes to the external world. We let go the thoughts and set off on an inner journey. In this gap between inhaling and exhaling, your inner knowledge is awakened. And then when you open the eyes again, you see the world with an awakened awareness.
We learn from childhood and accumulate knowledge about the outer world. We learn knowledge to make a living.
The second type of knowledge, as Master Shiva Guruji describes, can you limited. It is the knowledge of “only what I know is right”.
The third kind of knowledge is the inner knowledge, about who you are. And this knowledge Shiva Guruji calls the knowledge, which awakens. It is an actual experience, through which you gain knowledge from your inner world, from your inner nature, who you are.
Shiva Guruji, Himalayan Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master
In this Shiva Dhyan Yoga Meditation the thumbs touch the middle fingers. It is called Akash mudra. Akash means space and mudra hand gesture.
Akash is one of the five elements of the existence, which are included in Shiva Dhyan Yoga. Master Shiva Guruji who has brought Shiva Dhyan Yoga from Himalaya for the benefit and well-being explains, that SHIVA means
Sky (Element Space)
Horizon (Element Earth)
Ignition (Element Fire)
Vast (Element Water)
Air (Element Air and Prana, the life force within).
Mudras are ancient hand gestures and have been part of meditation and healing for thousands of years. These Mudras are used in Shiva Dhyan Yoga restore a balance within, which has a positive impact on emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level and touches the dimension of your soul and inner being. The middle finger represents the planet Saturn, the outer world and the work. In this Shiva Dhyan Yoga Meditation, you achieve a balance between your outer and inner world, your professional work and your inner being.
The Key Benefits of the second Shiva Dhyan Yoga Meditation:
knowing yourself, your inner nature
reconnection with yourself
expansion of the consciousness
negative thoughts and emotions, anger and fear are transformed into positive thoughts and emotions, trust, happiness and compassion
concentration is increased
blood pressure is balanced
energy flow is stimulated
the throat Chakra (energy centre) is activated and brings a balance in the hormones. It also enables you to self-express fully through words, writing, painting and whichever way of self-expression you love.
detoxifies the body
releases mental tensions
relief for ear issues
Get started:
Sit straight on a chair or in your favourite position (crossed-leg, lotus etc.), with the hands placed on your thighs. The palms facing upwards. Join the tips of the right thumb and right middle finger and of the left thumb and left middle finger and keep the other three fingers straight. Put a little pressure on the joined finger tips and keep the resto of the hand relaxed. The back is kept straight.
Now breathe in. Pause. Breathe out. Pause. Focus on the gap in-between the two breaths. Practice for at least 5 minutes.
Shivani Himalaya, second Shiva Dhyan Yoga Meditation
The Origin
Trained by 21 Himalayan Masters, Shiva Guruji was sent back from the Himalayas to the world and taught Shivani Himalaya (Katrin Suter) Shiva Dhyan Yoga in the Himalayas, India and at Mount Matterhorn among seven Mountains in Switzerland to become the first Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master-Teacher. Together with Shiva Guruji Shivani Himalaya trains Shiva Dhyan Yoga Teachers and gives conferences and workshops worldwide.
Shiva Guruji & Shivani Himalaya taught Shiva Dhyan Yoga to more than 5000 individuals in the past 6 years, especially in Paris, Switzerland & New York, including corporates such as EY & Euler Hermes.
Upcoming Events:
On-going: Free online Shiva Dhyan Yoga Introduction Sessions on Zoom especially for women -> subscribe
5.7. – 27.7.2020 Shiva Dhyan Yoga Teachers Training Online:
Transform your Life with a higher dimension & make an impact in your world.
3.-4.10.20 Shiva Dhyan Yoga Teachers Training with Shiva Guruji & Shivani Himalaya at Mount Matterhorn
22-25.10.20 Conference, soul readings & Shiva Dhyan Yoga Workshop with Shiva Guruji & Shivani Himalaya at the Congress Lebenskraft, Zurich,;;;