Let’s remember
I love history so here are some fascinating facts that I collected for the year of 2011:
- 1871: the mummy of Ramses II was found with other mummies by the Abdel Rasoul family in Deir el Bahri
- 1871: Ramses I mummy left Egypt and remained outside of the countril for 130 years. Last place it was was in Atlanta, Georgia. It returned home with Zahi Hawass in 2003.
- 1801: the expedition in Egypt from Napoleon Bonapartre ended. It started on May 19th, 1798 in Toulon, France. Napoleon reached the coast of Alexandria on the first of July. Battle of the Pyramids on the 21st of July, 1798. British gained control of Egypt and Napoleon had to leave the country in 1801.
- 1961: 5o years ago started the first Light Show in Cairo in front of the famous pyramids of Giza

Napoleon Bonapartre in Egypt painted by Jean-Léon Gérome in 1863
- 1711: the Cathedral of St. Paul in London was finished 300 years ago. Princess Diana was married there and the funerals of Churchill happened there.
- 1911: 100 years ago already, the Titanic was launched in Ireland in Belfast on May 31st. It sunk a few months later in 1912 on its way to America.
- 2001: it has been 10 years since the Foot & Mouth disease outbreak. The first one was on February 19th, 2001 in Essex and the last one on September 30th.
- 2001: in October a decade ago came on the market the first Apple ipod for digital music player. It was “1000 songs on your pocket”. In 2003, 2 Millions were sold. In 2010, 275 Millions were sold that year.
- 1911: Mona Lisa was stolen 100 years ago from the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was found in Dec. 1913 and returned in January 1914 by the police in Florence. It had been stolen by an Italian who wanted to return it to Italy. He was caught trying to sell it. All Italians thought of him as a Patriot so Vincenzo Peruggia only went a few months in jail.
- 1911: at the age 44, the French scientist Marie Curie got he Nobel Prize for finding radium. She had received her first Nobel Prize with her husband Pierre Curie in 1903.

Ludwig's castle in Neuschwanstein in Bavaria
- 1836: the AltePinakotek museum in Munich is celebrating its 175th birthday.
- 1886: it is now 125 years since the death of King Ludwig II of Baveria, famous for the castle of Neuschwanstein.
- 1961: in August Germans started building th Berlin Wall, 50 years ago. It came down on November 9th 1989.

Sprüngli 175th birthday
- 1291: foundation of the Swiss federation. 720 years ago there were only 3 cantons, Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden. Zurich came in 1351.
- 1836: Lindt & Sprungli is celebrating this year its 175 birthday. There is a special tramway going leaving in Bellevue. It operates Monday through Saturday from July 16th until August 20th. You will eat some specialties while learning about the company. It costs 10 CHF.
- 1861: 150 years since the unification of Italy on March 17th

James Dean Portrait
- 1886: the Statue of Liberty in New York has been there for the last 125 years. It was inaugurated on the 28th of October 1886. French sculptor, Auguste Bartholdi, had been commissioned to do it a decade earlier. It should have been done for the 100th anniversary of the American Independence Declaration.
- 1931: actor James Dean was born 80 years ago on February 8th. He died at the Age of 24. In such a small time he is remembered for movies such as Rebels without a cause, East of Eden and Giant.
- 1961: President Barack Obamas was born 50 years ago on August 4th.
- 1961: the musical West Side Story Film came out for the first time 50 years ago on October 18th. It got 10 Oscars. One of the famous actress was Nathalie Wood.
- 1971: 4o years ago on Otober 1st opened the first Disney World. It was in Orlando.
- 2001: it has been 10 years since the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York’s Twin Towers.