PhotoSCHWEIZ is one of the most important and largest photography exhibitions in Europe for almost 30,000 visitors. From Friday, January 10th to Tuesday, January 14th, 2020, over 300 Swiss photographers will be showing their favorite pictures of the year on around 7,000 square meters in the premises of StageOne and Hall 622 in Zurich-Oerlikon.
David-Miguel-Sigrist PhotoSCHWEIZ
PhotoSCHWEIZ wants to be, as it were, an initiator of the industry and present established stars and new talents. The exhibition is complemented by 18 spectacular special exhibitions, the photoFORUM with lectures by star photographers, the photoSCHOOL with over 120 courses and the photoMARKET with relevant companies in the photo industry and their latest products.
Joseph-Khakshouri PhotoSCHWEIZ
photoSCHWEIZ Friday JAN 10. to Tues Jan 14 2020 11.00 am to 8 pm
StageOne & Halle622 Zürich, Oerlikon
for more information click here