Let me start with Sarah’s story
In early January of this year, Sarah made an appointment with me on her mother’s recommendation. She explained that she had intense facial and head pain due to a bad case of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) which had been going on for a year and a half and getting so bad that she had become a prisoner in her own home. She could no longer go ANYWHERE for fear of there being wifi or other such waves. Restaurants, school events for her kids and any sort of outing were very limited.
When she came to the appointment, she was decked out in protective headgear and had a measuring device to make sure there was no wifi. This was a last resort, as she had tried every possible treatment, and nothing had worked, including psychotherapy over a number of years.
We got to the root of why her mind had locked onto this pain. It turned out to be a protection mechanism against a bigger, subconscious fear she had. Once we identified and removed these blocks, we worked on changing her focus from the pain to what she wanted to get out of life. Less than a month later the pain had disappeared, and she is now enjoying family activities and has her freedom back.
This story is just one example on how first getting to the root of an issue, and then re-programming the mind for success is so important.
But what starts chronic pain to begin with?
Whether pain starts as a result of injury or for no apparent reason, it can often go on for months or years due to neglected emotions and an accumulation of stress. When the body is in stress for prolonged periods, it cannot repair and regenerate easily. Moreover, people become focused on symptoms and outer treatments, and when these don’t work, the stress and anxiety increases, and it becomes a vicious cycle.
A bit about my own journey
I suffered from 30 years of chronic foot pain that started when I was a child. I firmly believed what the doctor said: It’s probably hereditary and it will just get worse until you need an operation”. My belief became reality. Even after a successful operation, the pain returned, and I got other health issues.
Something needed to change in my life. It’s funny because what really caused me to research the methods I later studied was first wanting to help other family members with some of their issues. I became fascinated with the mind-body connection and learned as much as I could on the subject. I started to apply it to myself with dedication, and Hurray! It worked and the chronic pain finally left. Today I am pain free, healthy and back to all my favorite sports.
What are these therapies all about?
I decided to make this my full-time job, so I obtained certifications in EFT (Emotional freedom Technique) and RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) as well as studying NLP and various other techniques. To say a word on EFT and RTT, both of these techniques work with the power of the subconscious mind. EFT has been around since the 1980s and combines language with tapping on meridian points. RTT is a new therapy, and not well known in Switzerland yet. It combines a form of hypnosis with elements of NLP and cognitive behavioral therapy, and follows a protocol, which makes it work more quickly than other similar methods.
Photo by SAMANTA SANTY on Unsplash
Although the therapies I mentioned can be used with a large variety of issues, I decided to focus on helping active people overcome physical pain.
– I had experience with years of pain myself and just wanted to help people know they can absolutely get over it.
– I realized that many people are unaware of the possibilities to heal in spite of exciting changes in science this century. (neuroplasticity, epigenetics)
– I was (and still am) shocked by the pain epidemic and drug abuse I’ve seen among family and friends.
Photo by Laurynas Mereckas on Unsplash
This led me to develop my own process, which concentrates on three pillars:
• Awareness
• Elimination of emotional blocks
• Success re-programming
Awareness is always a first step to make it possible to believe there’s a cure. In addition, methods allowing to go back to the subconscious blocks and eliminate them with a special protocol produce FAST results because the subconscious mind drives 95% of who we are. Most methods only use the conscious mind, and that is why it is so hard for people to change. Finally, success re-programming allows people to stay on the right track and go towards their goals on a daily basis.
My message to everyone is: YOU CAN BE FREE OF PAIN, and it doesn’t have to take AGES.
About the author:
Monique is an experienced therapist/ coach trained in hypnotherapy and other rapid transformational techniques. (EFT and RTT). She has helped countless people free themselves from pain and re-create the live they want without drugs or outer manipulations.
Having suffered from physical pain for years and overcoming it as well as a lot of related health issues, she wants others to get more “Life out of Life” too.
She holds a Master’s degree in Education obtained during her former career as a lecturer. After doing most of her schooling in Canada, she moved to France and then to Montreux, Switzerland where she now lives with her husband, two adult daughters and two cats. She works locally face to face and internationally via zoom in both English and French.