Hi Everyone, I’m Victoria, a woman who lives in a curvy body since she was born, and definitely with a curvy soul.
I am the one, who was always the chubbiest at the ballet class as a little girl, then an oversized teen, who was driven into anorexia by her mother, in her twenties she believed only skinny is beautiful.
I am the one who is now a real plus size woman in her thirties and loves her body more than ever.
Tóth Viktória – copyright Sanjeev Velmurugan – Fashion designer @adambrodyzurich
It sounds strange doesn’t it? Not impossible, but it’s a long journey.
Put your hands on your heart and tell me honestly: what’s your first thought when you look in the mirror in the morning? Especially in a full-length one being naked?
Does it even happen? Come on girl, it’s you, your body, your life, your history, the footprint of your everyday life.
So just stand there!
Do you greet yourself with a “Hello, beautiful, have a wonderful day!” Or rather “Oh my goodness, who is this washed out woman? I don’t know her. Let’s try to survive another day!”?
If you chose the first one, then don’t even read any further, you’re good! Ok, just kidding! Read on of course, but you’re on the right track already.
However, if you chose the second one, then please promise me to give that person looking back at you a big smile when you look in the mirror tomorrow morning!
With a big, wide, honest smile.
This is the first step.
You know, I don’t have a magic wand to cast a spell on you, so you immediately accept and love what you see. I have bad news, you need to make an effort too. Now! Or tomorrow morning the latest. Then there’s no excuse!
What does your body look like? It has curves, cellulite, stretch marks, patches and it’s padded, wobbly and shaky.
Maybe you could have payed more attention to it lately. Probably it could be more toned and tight. Well, this is the bottom line, your focus was on something else in the last couple of years and there’s nothing wrong with it.
Tóth Viktória – copyright Krisztina Lowack. – Fashion designer @adambrodyzurich
Or should you hate your body, cover it up and be ashamed? Would you tell your loved ones – your mum, daughter or best friend – that they’re ugly and fat? Of course not! Then why do you settle with it, settle with less? We judge body shaming if it’s about someone else, however we tend to forget ourselves. Love doesn’t say anything like that, Love accepts, whoever it radiates to, they bloom. Makeover always starts within.
Love your own body, your legs that take you from A to B, your arms that can hold anything, your breasts which are dreams of men and nourish your babies too, your hips which are wide as your smile on days when you just succeed in everything.
Say it out loud or just whisper to yourself: “My dear body, forgive me for calling you ugly and thinking you’re not good enough! You’re good enough, you’re beautiful and I love you unconditionally, now and forever! Hence I’ll pamper you, nourish you, we can even exercise if you feel like it, I’ll dress you nicely the way you deserve, the way I deserve.” There will be those, who’ll try to convince you about the opposite, they’ll pull you down with their negativity and make you doubt yourself.
Tóth Viktória – copyright Sanjeev Velmurugan – Fashion designer @adambrodyzurich
Turn your back and walk away, at least they’ll see your wonderful bottom (ass)!
…because it’s ok to be curvy, plus sized or even fat, these are only labels which mean nothing in life.
Whatever size you are, you can easily stop traffic if you’re hot and confident.
Now you surely ask yourself « how do i do that? »
Then come back tomorrow for tips on what to wear and where to find plus designer cloths in Zurich.
About the author:
Born in Budapest, Viktória is an expat in Zurich with 2 young children. She is an entrepreneur and cake designer at NYERS. She is a plus size model and event organizer with 11 years experience. She is also an explorer and an wanderer of freedom. IG : @nyers_zurich
Featured image Tóth Viktória – copyright Krisztina Lowack. – Fashion designer @adambrodyzurich