It’s a human trait of character: once we are pushed out of our comfort zone (be it on a body, mind, or soul level), we want to have “that thing fixed”.
Referring to the pace of change in this age of humanity: please most effectively, quickly, painlessly, cheaply, and possibly online.
If nature acted with such immediacy, not allowing for gradual evolution, humanity would have vanished a long time ago. Nature is growing and resting in cycles – there’s no such thing like “scaling your potential to the max every day”. Approaching our problems this way isn’t really helpful and is a large source of frustration.
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Each individual possesses his or her own story – over generations – their own resources, challenges and way of looking at them. That’s why coaching needs time, motivation, patience – it’s a process oriented method.
Use that list – buy that tool
People usually tend to buy things that are attributed with “easy”, “quick” and “effective”. I really don’t believe in coaching by “at the push of a button.”
I can guarantee you as well that no coach will be able “to solve your problem” or “fix it”. You are not a broken jar and you don’t need glue.
Referring to nature: there are changing seasons; if you don’t sow in spring, how can you expect a harvest in autumn?
Nature_Design on pixabay
My three key questions for readers:
If you have read to the end of my column – thank you! Let’s connect on LinkedIn and Instagram.
About the Author:
Cécile Schniter has a coaching praxis on the lake of Zurich. Coaching sessions are exclusively offered in German.
Head: Unconventional, analytical thinker | Heart: strong, empathic | Roots: 2 decades of business and leadership experience
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