The holiday season will officially start on Thursday November 21st in Zurich with the lighting of all the lights on the Zurich main shopping street, the Bahnhofstrasse. At 6:00 p.m. Lucy will be turned on. If you wander through the streets and squares of the city, you will notice many decorated Christmas trees, all in different sizes.
One of the trees, which noone should miss while visiting Zurich for the holidays is the Crédit Suisse´s Christmas tree. It is a 10-12 meter high tree coming from the Zurich canton.
Credit Suisse Christmas tree in Zurich Paradeplatz – credits Vivamost
If you are from the Zurich area you know that every year the Swiss bank will have a tree in front of its main building on Paradeplatz. Many people and tourists love pausing for family pictures in front of that tree! It is particularly beautiful at night when the building is all lit up.
Many years ago the Crédit Suisse Corporate Real Estate & Services got the idea to have a Christmas tree in Zurich. The first one came on the square in 2004/2005. It arrives per truck early in the morning about a week before Lucy is turned on.
Credit Suisse Christmas tree in Zurich Paradeplatz – credits Vivamost
The Christmas tree with a value of about CHF 30’000 is decorated with 5000 LED lights and 1500 balls in different colors and sizes. While it takes 2-3 men and a crane to install the tree, 4-6 men are needed to decorate it. It takes three days to finish the work. Every five years the decorations are renewed.
The Crédit Suisse has Christmas trees in other cities around the world but they are smaller in sizes and mainly put in the buildings. If you are in Zurich this holiday season, remember to stop by.