For 2 servings:
6 jumbo shrimps 21/25
400ml shrimp stock (bisque)
100gr. arborio rice
30gr. butter
30gr. grated parmesan
60gr. minced onion
1 small chilli pepper or a small pepperoncino
Extra virgin olive oil
Risotto – Cooking act – credit photo Antonis Foskolos
Peel the shrimps. Add 2 tbsp of olive oil in a small pot and place it over high heat. Add the shrimps and saute for 1 and a half minute on each side. Remove and set aside.
Add more olive oil and saute the onion until golden. Add the rice and toast for a couple of minutes. Cover the rice with some of the stock and lower the heat to medium. Add the pepperoncino and season with salt. Simmer until liquid is absorbed, stirring often. Repeat the same procedure adding all the stock one cup at a time and cook until rice is tender approx. 20 minutes.
Remove from the heat, place the shrimps and butter in the pot and set aside to rest for a couple of minutes, covered with a lid.
Uncover the pot, add the parmesan and stir until you have a creamy mixture.
Chop the basil leaves and sprinkle the risotto.
Serve with a glass of white wine!
Risotto – Cooking act – credit photo Antonis Foskolos
About the contributor:
Antonis Foskolos was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece and is a graduate of La Chef Levi. After working and training at 5 star hotels for 3 years, and motivated by his passion for the culinary arts, he decided to move to Athens, a leading European metropolis in gastronomy. He can currently be found doing what he loves at Emelisse Nature Resort located in Fiscardo, Kefalonia where he is the Executive Chef and on YouTube @antonisfoskolos where he is providing instructional videos for some of his favourite recipes.