Have you ever looked around you and wondered how some people get so much done in life?
Melita Campbell and her kids – credits Marta Villacampa
We all have the same 24-hours a day, but some people just seem to be able to cram so much more in – and still look perfect.
As a Mum, business coach and volunteer for three organisations, Melitta Campbell is often asked “How do you do it all?!”
Her simple answer is “I don’t!”
But at Vivamost we wanted to know more, so asked her for her Top 5 Tips for living a balanced life – here’s what she shared with us:
1. Know what balance means to you
As women, many of us have built up a dangerous habit of comparing ourselves with others. We look at our neighbour’s perfectly kept garden, or our friend’s immaculate dress sense and chastise ourselves for not being perfect enough. But once you focus on what’s important to you and stop stressing about everything else, you’re free to design the life you really want and fill your life with joy.
2. Ask for help
Another dangerous habit I’ve been guilty of in the past – and I know I’m not alone in this – is feeling that I have to do it all. You don’t!
I’ve learned to ask for help when I need it. It’s amazing how many people out there love and excel at the things you find difficult or a chore, and even more people who are happy to support you in your mission to make a difference. So get out there and ask, when you get more support, you can do more good in the world and you give others permission to live our their purpose too.
3. Have a vision and a plan
Being a creative type, having a vision has never been too difficult for me, but it’s only once I’ve been able to back this up with a clear plan that I’ve really been able to gain traction and start ticking off my bigger goals. I use a grid-style daily planning system that I created that not only helps prioritise my to-do list, but also helps me keep an eye on my personal growth, mindset and health, helping me to consciously manage my life balance every day. Planning my day the night before helps me to wake up with intention and feel more in control and satisfied with my progress – even when the unexpected happens.
Melita Campbell giving a hug – credits Marta Villacampa
4. Develop a habit of gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most powerful habits I believe anyone can develop – it’s also one of the easiest! Take 2 minutes at the end of each day to write down three things that you were grateful for that day, you’ll soon see a big difference in your life and you’ll gain a more positive outlook that will help you focus on the important things, which will support your life balance.
5. Take yourself seriously
By this I mean that you should make ‘me time’ a daily activity and celebrate this.
There’s a well-known saying, ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup’, which is so true. You can only produce your best work and give the best of yourself to others when you are happy, energised and fulfilled, and these come from within us. It’s our responsibility to take the time we need to create our own joy and happiness – and not feel guilty about it!
If you’d like to know more about Melita and how she has learned to create balance in her own life, read her profile piece in the Entrepreneurship Section.