
Column Rocio Dos Santos Arenas

Let’s move!

If you have been reading the countdown so far, I applaud you for keeping up and following through. It takes persistence and focus to reach where you are at. We are already halfway through and as every week I am here to provide you with health tips, workout routines and a very special summer recipe.

Do you currently like the exercise routine that you do? Does it benefit you positively and bring good changes for your body? If the answer is yes, well done! you would be surprised on how big the no percentage is to this question. 

Choosing the right workout and one that is motivating enough is not an easy task, it requires persistence through rough patches and the perseverance to keep going and trying different things despite feeling down at times.

Rocio dos Santos Arenas doing yoga – credit photo Rocio dos Santos Arenas

If you do not like what you are currently doing as a workout try the following:

  • Change the time of day you do it, more than often we push ourselves to working out at times that other people do just because we feel it is what we should be doing, you need to listen to YOUR needs and workout at the time that suits your body best
  • Switch to outdoors when the good weather hits, fresh air and sunlight are free motivators
  • Hire the services of a personal coach to guide you through the exercises pain free and in a way that will be positive for you.
  • Partner up with a friend, family member or co-worker and thrive on the boost of energy that working out in a group will bring.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others, we all have our own journey to travel through and our own limitations.

Before you ever give up consider this:

Park workout – credit Rocio Dos Santos Arenas

  • Have you suffered injuries in the past? Have those injuries been properly taken care of?
  • Are you using the right shoes and equipment, a thin mat for floor exercises might create excess back pain, the wrong shoes for running might be counteractive and a worn out bicycle can be working against us.
  • Every person’s body is anatomically different, you might have hyperextended elbows or knees and need more focus on those areas, or you might suffer from tight hips and be unable to perform certain exercises. Remember not to push your body beyond pain, a safe workout is everything!
  • Are you eating well enough and have a proper mineral and vitamin intake? Improper nutrition directly impacts our performance.
  • Reach out, ask for support! it is something I cannot emphasize enough, there is always someone out there ready to keep you motivated, ready to work out with you or lean a helping hand.

Stretching – credit photo Rocio Dos Santos Arenas

Anatomically speaking, exercise is medicine. Your brain and body are connected  in such an incredible way that when you move, your brain sends signals every area in motion in order to stimulate it, hydrate it and keep it healthy. When we don’t move the exact opposite happens and we will feel stiff, lacking energy and pains are more likely to surface.

Happy hormones, endorphins, are secreted during exercise thus giving you the number one reason to keep going however hard it might be at times. Changes will arise and you will see them in no time, remember, consistency is key !

As to how often you should work out, do allow your body time to restore and soak in all the benefits of your new routines, soreness is expected the first week and it is crucial you keep going but never work out through or with pain! If you have hurt yourself, you must give your body the time to properly heal so you don’t worsen anything.

I recommend moving every day even if you can only fit a 30-minute walk. Aim for 3 workouts a week of at least 45 minutes as you want to include the stretches before and after. Hydrate your body by drinking copious amounts of water, especially during hot months and keep track of how you feel during your workouts, how many you have done and what has improved in yourself.

Here is a link to my Pilates Beginner Mat Class should you want to explore it. 30 minutes of concentration and body awareness, breath and flow through a series of exercises.

Pilates is a full body workout and one of the very few modalities with a full anatomical and biomechanical background.

For the class you will only need a mat and comfortable clothing, no shoes are required. It has been tailored to beginners and has most of the foundation exercises, strong building blocks are what allow us to perform higher intensity routines in a safe manner.


Tune in next week for tips on how to balance your busy schedule, fitting exercise and proper nutrition even in your craziest of days, big family meal ideas and meal planning tips

About the author:
Rocio Dos Santos Arenas is an Holistic Health Coach specialized in gut health conditions and food intolerances and is a trained Pilates and Yoga instructor and movement enthusiast. She is currently living in the French part of Switzerland spreading knowledge and awareness about the importance of a healthy body and a healthy mind and transforming people through an active lifestyle with group classes, courses, workshops, retreats. She recently found her company Activ Wellness to provide you with the guidance, tools and support you need and bring changes and so you become stronger, healthier and more focused. 

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