The need for therapy has only spurted during this pandemic season for all the obvious reasons. Sometimes, our pains and aches need more than adequate and that is when therapy poses the perfect solution. There are two best therapies that are effective and quick at healing. Today, we will mention them in detail for your easy understanding.
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It is a brand new hybrid method that gets you to the root cause of an issue and reprograms your mind for success.
RTT is a revolutionary therapy. Its success is based on extraordinary, rapid, and permanent transformation. Indeed, its founder, Marisa Peer, was elected best therapist in the UK and her method has been awarded dozens of prizes for its efficiency.
RTT combines several powerful tools. These include hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, NLP, neuroscience, which give access to the subconscious mind and redirect it towards a predefined goal. It obtains unparalleled fast, and long-lasting results.
How does it work?
It rewires the neural pathways of the brain replacing your outdated belief systems and negative patterns of behavior with new, life-affirming beliefs. This is done by using the power of hypnosis and combined therapies along with a protocol that allows you to find the root cause quickly. You then get practical audio tools to work with over several weeks.
Source: Pixabay credit PourquoiPas
EFT: a meridian tapping method invented by Gary Craig in the 1980s
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a powerful transformation tool that works with the human energy system at the level of acupuncture meridians. It is generally believed that unresolved emotions and negative thoughts can disrupt the flow in the energy system and can lead to emotional discomfort, limiting beliefs, and/or contribute to physical pain.
EFT focuses on releasing disruptions and allows the rebalancing of the body’s energy flow. What is more, studies have shown that EFT has a beneficial effect on the brain’s center of emotions and reduces stress hormones in the body. The power of EFT resides in the fact that it goes directly to the root cause of an issue, and neutralized its effects, rather than just treating symptoms.
How does EFT work?
EFT is done by gently tapping on meridian points on the body, while saying certain phrases. This allows the body’s energy system to release disruptions caused by negative emotions. Since these disruptions where the foundation of the symptoms, once they are eliminated, the symptoms fade away as well.
In practical terms, issues such as physical pain, stress, anxiety, etc… can only persist if they are supported by foundations. EFT focuses on eliminating such foundations, after which the problem collapses and goes away.
Source Pixabay – credit photo Geralt
Both of these therapies are unique because they have a pragmatic approach, and allow you to get fast relief while providing you with tools to use at home.
Here’s a quick summary of the advantages you’ll get from both of these therapies:
Source: Pixabay credit StockSnap
For more information on how you can benefit from a combination of these therapies, you can get in touch with me, Monique Padar, a rapid transformational therapist and EFT practitioner specializing in pain relief. Our website:
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