1. Time Awareness:
Time is an important type of awareness. If you use it wisely, time will be a great factor of productive creation and if you are aware of it, you prevent time waste. Getting lost in thoughts, doing the same again and again, without awareness happens often due to recurrent thought patterns. It is essential to be aware to be able to act on time and all the time respecting your time and the time of others.
“Play in time, on time, all the time”, Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar
Shiva Guruji encourages us to use our time, talent and treasure to contribute to the world and ask ourselves the question everyday “How can I contribute to others?”.
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
Choosing how to spend our time is making ourselves more productive. To become Manager of our Life, we need to be aware of the time and spend it with awareness to get most out of our productivity and creation. Taking time to rest, breaks and meditation once in a while to attain inner peace is essential. Taking breaks all the time is not advisable neither, however to take effective breaks will make us more productive and prevent us from wasting time.
Exercise: Keep a diary and plan what you want to do and how much time it will take you. Then track what you are actually doing and how much time each task takes you. You will become aware of how you can optimize your time and you stop wasting time.
2. Task Awareness
Which are the tasks you do regularly? Are all the tasks in your to-do list necessary? Are all the tasks, which you actually do necessary? This is something, which we should evaluate. The best way to become aware of all the activities you are doing is to write all your tasks down and to prioritize them. Which tasks are the most important one? Which tasks allow you to reach your goals?
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash
Exercise: Write down everything you do everyday during 2 weeks and how much time each task takes you. After 2 weeks, sit down and analyze:
1. Where you have been wasting most of the time.
2. Are the tasks, which require high priority getting enough time and attention. Prioritizing will help you to remove unwanted tasks from your to-do list and to make sure that you spend enough time in the topics and tasks, which really matter to you. Make sure that the unproductive tasks take a minimum of time so that you can give a maximum of time to your productive tasks.
3. Result Awareness
When you learn to manage your time and tasks, you also become aware of the results. One can be busy doing many things without being productive and without generating results.
On the contrary, if one manages time and tasks effectively, one can make the most out of the time and generate results.
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash
Exercise: After analyzing your time and tasks, evaluate the results you are getting out of your actions and determine whether you are being productive. It is crucial to have a vision and that you understand what is important to invest to be able to turn this vision into reality. It might imply investing time and energy into activities without immediate results.
Write your daily achievements every day. If will give you result awareness and you will understand whether you are investing your time and tasks productively.
4. Self-Awareness
1st Shiva Dhyan Yoga Meditation Posture shown by Shivani Himalaya, Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master-Teacher & Writer
This is one of the most important types of awareness. Being aware of your “Self”, your inner being. It implies being aware of your thoughts, words and actions. When you are aware of your time, tasks and results, you will notice an increase in productivity and it will help you achieve your goals. Being aware of what you think, you say and of what you do will give you the ability to be in positive creation and generate a positive outcome for yourself and others.
Beyond mental, emotional, physical level, being self-aware also means being aware of your inner Self in the highest spiritual dimension of your being. This self-awareness unfolds with the practice of meditation. We especially recommend Shiva Dhyan Yoga meditations, since through these meditations from the Himalayas, you can extremely quickly reconnect with yourself and let go thoughts and emotions. The more you practice, the more you become aware of yourself, who you really are.
Practice the first Shiva Dhyan Yoga Meditation: You can sit on a cushion, on the sofa or on a chair with a straight backbone. The right tip of the index touches the right tip of the thumb and the left tip of the index touches the left tip of the thumb. All other fingers are stretched. Keep the back of the hands on your knees or thighs.
Now focus on the third eye, the point in-between and a little bit above your eye-brows and observe your breath. Inhale and exhale naturally through the nostrils and keep your entire attention on the breath. When thoughts come, let them pass by and refocus on your breath.
Now visualize in the third eye your vision for your future: What is your vision for your own future? What do you want to create? Write down your vision for yourself, from future to future: what do you want to achieve?
Once you have noted down your vision, make sure that everything you do is aligned to your vision, that your time & tasks generate the results, which will make you realize your goal and vision for your future!
About the Author:
Shivani Himalaya (Katrin Suter) is a Swiss writer, Shiva Dhyan Yoga Master-Teacher, Life Coach & Spiritualism Art Curator, trained by the Himalayan Master Shiva Guruji in the Himalayas and at Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland. She loves sharing the knowledge she has received from the Sage Shiva Guruji and is writing books about it.
http://www.shivaguruji.org; http://www.shivagurujishivani.org; http://www.gurujiaruneshvar.com; http://www.shivaniswiss.org; http://www.spiritualismshivaguruji.com