

My minimalism. A minimal lifestyle with maximal purpose.

What if I told you it’s possible to live a meaningful and balanced life, stripped of overwhelm and everything you don’t need or want in life, and that that life would be filled with, spiced up and empowered with everything you do want and are passionate about?! If I had you at meaningful and balanced, read on, because this is for you.

My journey to a simplified life

I wish I had known even the slightest thought about minimalism in my 20s, because that was a crazy time. Studying, partying, working, acquiring more possessions, loving and living fearlessly, being everywhere at once and filling up the cup with, frankly, too much. Which did result in signs from my body asking me to stop, like stomach cramps and digestive issues, all just simply ignored. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be happier to have had this amazing life experience too, but as we all know, growth doesn’t happen without trial, errors and some pain.

Fast forward 15 years and I found myself living abroad with a supportive but equally busy husband, 2 young kids and about to found my own KonMari & Lifestyle Coaching company. Sounds great, no?! Yes, I truly couldn’t be more grateful for living my dream, but it also led me to severe overwhelm, if I had seen a doctor he might have sent me home with a burnout diagnostic. It came slowly and during a few years it nested all over, on my patience, mood, energy levels and my overall wellbeing and happiness.

I needed a change. My 2 small kids had brought in so much happiness and joy but also a truck load of stuff I didn’t even know where to put. I had had enough. I decided to start simplifying from the outside in. I went over all areas of my life. Not overnight, because this is a process that needs time, but with small manageable steps over a longer period of time.

I started with decluttering. I let go of everything I acquired during my whole life that didn’t make me feel good. All those sale items I never wore. The ill-fitting but gorgeous high heels, the free stuff I couldn’t say no to. The x amount of ugly coffee mugs with faded logos on. The unwanted gifts at the back of the cupboard. Seeing unwanted belongings find new homes via donations just made me jump with joy. I kicked out the energy thieves. The full calendar. My social media. The excess on all levels of life. And all the ‘just in case I need this one day’ items. Boy it felt so good. I simply couldn’t stop and I had seemingly more energy than in a long time, even being a sleep deprived, exhausted mom.

This profound process led me to find my peace and calling and resulted in my third baby, my own company, My Happy Home. Blending my Nordic values with my training in the famous KonMari Method® of tidying, I create unique and life changing experiences for my clients. It’s such a  richness to be able to draw from my own experience of overwhelm and chaos and be able to help transform lives into organised and balanced havens of tranquillity.

My minimalism way of life

Becoming minimalist was nothing I ever strived for. After having trained with Marie Kondo to become a KonMari Consultant a few years ago, my personal minimalism grew, developed and thrived within and beyond me. And maybe my minimalism actually is something I define in my own way? But it most certainly isn’t about depriving oneself of anything or owning only 2 pairs of shoes or 5 books.

On the contrary, minimalism for me is all about being present, authentic and real, with yourself and people around you. It enables you to deepen your relationships. Knowing what your true core values are and focusing on what matters most in your life. Being surrounded only with the things you love. My minimalism is all about curating a minimal, simple lifestyle with maximal purpose. It creates positive changes and makes life solid, satisfying, rich, easy and open for more true connectivity, love and experiences. It might turn out to be quite challenging unless you know your deepest fears as well as your deepest wishes and desires. Together, however, they are all nurturing and growing your life’s purpose.

Throw out the excess
Clean up the mess,
Say NO to stress,
and live with less.
Joshua Becker

Bit by bit I transformed my (emotional) life and living spaces with order, functional systems, simpler joys, balance, beauty and meaning. I got myself a coach, being one is not enough to get that full perspective on yourself. She is truly worth her weight in gold. I reached a clarity that was clearer than ever before. By honouring all my deepest emotions I had come to realise exactly what I needed and enjoyed and also what I didn’t need in my life.

I‘m ready. I want to simplify my life – what shall I do?

Firstly, you need a water proof plan to become a minimal lifestyle lover. I invite you to take action
on my initial four simple steps:
1. Find out all the essentials in your life. I call them the 3 W:s: WHAT, WHO, WHY.
2. Let go of all the rest
3. Rest and recalibrate
4. Live

It’s not that simple, I hear you say. But simplifying is actually not that complex. If you come to think of it, who is the expert on your life? Yes, YOU are. Whatever anyone else says about your choices and lifestyle is completely irrelevant. I know many of us have been brought up to please others and take care of others before themselves, but let’s face it. We all have one shot at this life, so why would you make it any harder than it needs to be?

Just start. Write down your 3 W:s. Your list can be short or long or something in between, this is
your unique list.

And if you get stuck on your own? Get help. The world is full of coaches like myself waiting to guide and support you and others on their journey to a fulfilling, happy and minimalist life.

A minimal lifestyle lover’s favourite daily habits:

Morning self care routine
No phone checking or emails before 7.30 am
Morning exercise (3-4 times per week)
Spend time outdoors at least 15 mins
Spend quality time with loved ones, even if just 15 mins
Have a positive outlook on life
Nourish your body with good foods
Sleep 7-8 hours

About the author

Helena Zachariassen is a certified KonMari Consultant and Lifestyle Coach. 
She has always been orderly but going through the whole KonMari Method herself transformed her life so much so she decided to train with Marie Kondo in 2019 and combine these skills with her previous life coaching training. She founded her own company My Happy Home after becoming certified later that same year.
Using a unique blend of Nordic style and Japanese organisation, My Happy Home is striving to empower and inspire people, just like you. She can help you simplify and declutter every area of your life so that you can design a minimalist lifestyle with maximal purpose.
Helena lives in Herrliberg, just outside Zurich, since more than 10 years. She happily travels to clients near and far and works online as well. Helena originates from Finland.

All photos credit Helena Zachariassen

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