
Column Rocio Dos Santos Arenas

Staying in Shape during Pregnancy

You might have just found out that you are carrying a life inside you or maybe reading this and already a few weeks into your pregnancy. This read will be useful to you if you are unsure of how to stay active during your pregnancy, you have read and heard all sorts of misleading information regarding staying active during pregnancy, would want to clarify what to do and how.

First of all let me introduce myself, I am Rocio Dos Santos, founder of Activ where I combine holistic nutrition and fitness through Pilates & Yoga in order to help my clients reach their ultimate health and lifestyle goals and maintain them through longevity.

I am specialized in Pre & Post Natal exercises and have done several additional courses in Neuroanatomy and Biomechanics in order to have a more holistic and overall body understanding from head to toe.

And let me add, I am currently pregnant myself, 32 weeks and counting.

Let’s dive into our topics, shall we?

The number one misleading piece of information is when you are told to not start any new fitness activity during pregnancy.

As you know yourself nobody else does, therefore use your proper judgment and asses what was your fitness level prior pregnancy. Based on that you can then establish all kinds of activities you can one hundred percent start doing now.

If you were not a weightlifter or did not attend CrossFit classes before pregnancy and your fitness level was more suited for long walks or low intensity cardio, then that is what you want to explore.

Exercising during pregnancy benefits you tremendously as it will increase production of endorphins, cortisol and adrenaline. These are all happy hormones and will increase your staminal, place you in a better mood, energize you and can even help you with those nauseated feelings.

Activities to somehow steer clear from during the first trimester due to the fact your body and nervous system is going through a very tough time at this moment would be anything that involves jumping, risk of falling and tight waist harness sports. If you still have doubts on a particular sport, you can always consult your physician, therapist or licensed fitness instructor.

How does activity help you during pregnancy?

Maintains a healthy weight gain

Reduces stress

Reduces chances of gestational diabetes

Improves sleep

Reduces water retention

Lessens back pain

What are the things you can do?

  • If you were already set in your routine keep on doing what you were and throughout the pregnancy adapt it to your trimester. Avoid being on your belly during second and third trimester; avoid long periods of time on your back in the third trimester and watch out for wrist pain and strain.
  • Include new routines in your day to day, at first it feels like an obligation but slowly it will make you feel empowered thus becoming a reward and implementing itself as a habit.
  • If you do not like sports at least take a 30 minute walk a day
  • Swimming and Prenatal Pilates or Yoga are great forms of pregnancy fitness
  • Use props such as fitness balls and dumbbells to keep your muscle tone
  • Drink plenty of water and eat twice as better not twice as much
  • Attend an osteopath or therapist monthly to keep your body aligned and in the best of shapes

The few things you would want to know per trimester related to fitness and movement:

1st trimester

  • You might feel ran down and with very low energy levels, push yourself on the days you feel better to move a bit as this will actually help you uplift your overall feelings.
  • Life can continue as usual, just be mindful of extra pressure around your mid region with extreme folds, harness sports, impact sports etc. Try to reduce any skip rope activities or excess jumping unless you were an athlete, and your body was used to this type of vibration and shock absorption.
  • Your breasts might feel extra tender so bear that in mind when laying on your tummy.

2nd trimester

  • Lying on your belly will start becoming uncomfortable as will be lying on your back, you can choose to have a thicker fitness mat or a couple of them stack up.
  • You will want to start modifying your posture slightly by having your knees open wider during and not folding forward as aggressively.
  • Avoid any closed twists
  • When laying down and having your legs at a 90-degree angle (tabletop position) ensure they come up and down one by one and not together anymore to avoid any excess strain on your pubic symphysis.
  • You can start placing a pillow under your belly for support when laying sideways after week 19 if it feels better.
  • Ab work as in crunches and planks to be avoided in order to allow the rectus abdominis and obliques to loosen up as they need to at this moment.


3rd trimester

  • Things start changing week by week and your belly will pop out anytime making certain movements uncomfortable or limited in range of motion.
  • Your hip width distance in standing will be wider at this point
  • Maintain a good lumbar posture by avoiding excess lordosis
  • Engage your inner TVA (transversus abdominis) when doing any squatting, picking things up, standing etc.
  • Laying on the back is now deemed unsafe due to the weight the baby poses on your vena cava
  • Your balance will be compromised at this point so make sure you listen to your body when in movement and adjust accordingly.

You will really benefit from at least 20 minutes of activity a day plus 10 to 15 minutes of breathing.  Your diaphragm is highly connected to your pelvic floor muscle thus allowing you to enter a more clam or parasympathetic state of mind together with creating a better brain body connection to your pelvic floor in preparation for labour.

I highly encourage you to join a group class where the attention is focused on prenatal exercising, to walk every day and meditate for at least 10 minutes. To find a pelvic floor specialist that can guide you through the dos and don’ts for pre and post-natal as well as a qualified osteopath that can keep your alignment and tension at bay.


About the author:
Rocio Dos Santos Arenas is an Holistic Health Coach specialized in gut health conditions and food intolerances and is a trained Pilates and Yoga instructor and movement enthusiast. She is currently living in the French part of Switzerland spreading knowledge and awareness about the importance of a healthy body and a healthy mind and transforming people through an active lifestyle with group classes, courses, workshops, retreats. She found her company Activ Wellness to provide you with the guidance, tools and support you need and bring changes and so you become stronger, healthier and more focused. 

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