Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are today one of the best ways to get rid of stress and negative emotions. That is all the more true at the time of Corona virus and the good news is that you can get sessions via visio-conference with your hypno-therapist so do you not have to wait the end of the lockdown to feel good.
Your unconscious mind is the boss!
You do not generate stress on purpose…
Did you know your unconscious mind runs 90% of your life? So, you can imagine how the remaining 10% of the conscious mind struggles to ignite change even if you have the willingness to. This is where hypnosis comes into play. Because practitioners are directly communicating with your unconscious mind to help, by moving to a modified state of consciousness.
Few people know that our default operating mode is moving from one state of consciousness to the other all day long, so it is quite natural for most of us. When you are so absorbed in a book that you do not hear anymore what happens next to you or when you go the cinema, you know you are watching actors and animated images but still sometimes you may cry. A movie can even have a long-term impact on you. So, paradoxically, hypnosis and self-hypnosis are just learning what you automatically do every day. As everything, practice makes perfect.
True hypnosis or hypnotherapy doesn’t involve swaying pocket watches, and it isn’t practiced on stage like you can see in Mesmer entertaining shows. It is really creating a strong rapport with your client to meet a specific objective. Your hypno-therapist can teach you how to get into self-hypnosis so you can use it as a mind hygiene toolkit whenever you need.
Here are all the benefits you can expect from hypnosis:
1. A relief of tensions and negative thoughts
In a trance-like state, your conscious mind is distracted so you can go deeper inside and let it go. Just the fact to get into a hyper concentration mode can make your analytical mind fade into the background so calm arises. Your conscious mind is still there and you can hear the voice of the practitioner, but it is less active.
2. A reconnection with yourself and inner focus
Stress and fears are often caused by external factors so hypnosis can really enable this redirection to yourself. If you sometimes feel boxed up within a monk’s cell during this lockdown, hypnosis can help go on an inner journey to escape and push your physical and mental boundaries. In self-hypnosis you can for example imagine the great things you will do when the lockdown will be over, feel what it is like and bring back all the resources created thru this experience into your present.
Self or auto-hypnosis Discovery course – Photo credit: Sandrine Larive
3. An expansion of your senses
The trance-like state you enter may appear similar to sleep in many ways, but it is very active for your unconscious mind and you’re fully aware of what’s going on.
Being hypnotized means altering your usual perception of reality, space and time. The self-centering brings also a feeling of amplified sensations: heat, cold, breath, micro-movements of the body becomes suddenly more noticeable.
4. A bigger receptivity
Hypnosis makes your brain more receptive to achieve your goals.
Objectives are defined at the beginning of the session and the practitioner will put you into a state where he can send you suggestions that will anchor the behavioral change you want to experience.
5. A path to develop your creativity
Hypnosis tools activate our imagination and foster creativity, the same creativity that enables us to dream every night even if we do not always remember.
From a Neuroscience standpoint, you are able to create new neuronal paths which means you can more easily change your perspectives and find solutions where few minutes ago it was a dead end.
Hypnosis unleashes creativity – Photo credit: Canva free stock
6. A rediscovery of your deep emotions
Reconnect with yourself means to go deep down to search for internal resources. Therefore, it is quite often that buried emotions are brought to the surface. Indeed, there are uncomfortable emotions that we tend to put aside not to create a tsunami in our life.
Suppressing emotions is like pushing a beach ball under water. It creates tension in your body and eventually you let go and it rushes out usually leaping into the air. It is the same with repressed emotion you manage for a while but it comes out and usually when you least expect it, in an uncontrolled way. Long-term it can affect blood pressure, memory and self-esteem. Simply going thru your emotions and finding strategies to cope with some old mechanisms will really makes a big difference.
A lot of people also do not realize at the moment that they are going thru a double grieving, the grieving of the loss of people due the Corona virus and the grieving of their past life. We hear a lot of people say “nothing will ever be the same again”.
Hypnosis can help you move through the stages of grieving (denial/isolation, anger, bargaining, depression/sadness, acceptance, forgiveness, peace), with a better understanding and help you to physically and mentally feel calmer and more relaxed.
If symptoms of stress and anxiety worsen and you feel it is impairing your ability to function, please do not wait this Corona virus lock down to get to an end to speak to a professional.
Sandrine Larive, Certified Coach /Hypnosis & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner.
Email: centdrine@kyriellecoaching.com
Website: https://kyriellecoaching.com
Facebook Professional page: https://www.facebook.com/kyriellecoaching
If you’d like to know more about Sandrine Larive and how she embraced the journey of discovering her possible working identities, read her profile piece in the Women Entrepreneurship Section.