

If You Are Feeling Unwell

Complimentary medicine can boost immunity, manage stress and provide solutions for preventative health and treatment of conditions. There are many things that we can do to improve our health, all derived from nature, in combination with modern medicine.

The following is a guide to illustrate that constituents derived from plants are powerful and are resources we should regard with renewed respect and gratitude.

virus – copyright CDC – Unsplash

Covid19 is a serious illness and we do not advocate self treatment at any time for it. It is always recommended to seek a professional licensed practitioner to asses your physical symptoms and prescribe a individual approach for you, for best results.

If You Are Feeling Unwell
Increase supplements and anti microbial herbs if you are feeling unwell while you self isolate and seek medical advice. Remember its winter and many flu’s are still going around so try to remain calm, and get rest. increase warm liquids and soups and take rest.

What to do if you feel unwell:

  1. At first sign of illness take Homeopathic Aconite 30C repeat every few hours
  2. Gargle with warm salt water and discard water in the sink to kill bacteria in the throat. Do this several times a day to break up mucus and kill infection.
  3. Increase anti microbial herbs and Vitamin C.
  4. Call your Doctor and try to relax and get rest. Your immune system is designed to fight infections and is working on creating an immune response. Rest is important.

Your symptoms would be relevant to any recommendations to support you.

Here are a few as a guide, which you may consider:

    • Sage tea for sore dry throat
      Cook 1 bunch fresh sage with sugar and allow to cool then strain and add to ice cube trays to make throat lozengers in the freezer. (Wax the cube trays with coconut oil first!)
    • Fever
      Its best to not interfere with a fever, as it’s your bodies way of killing pathogens. If you are worried about the fever, you can gently reduce it with a damp towel on pulse points and forehead. If you want to break a fever, drink (Achillea millefolium) Yarrow/Schafgarb, (Sambuccas nigra), Elder and (Mentha piperita) peppermint/pfefferminze) tea together which will help a fever break without interfering with the immune response.

As your symptoms change, so would the treatment recommendations. if you are worried call your local Doctor for advice. Try to stay calm, and positive. This will help your immune system fight any infection. You can schedule a 15 minute online consultant to address get a personalised prescription based on your symptoms online at


Renée Blanchardt is an internationally acclaimed Naturopath & Homeopath based in Zurich and registered on the Swiss health care system for supplementary insurance. She is available for online consultations and offering 15 minute sessions to address questions to assist with supplement dosas, immunity, anxiety or insomnia during this time.Originally from Australia, Renée completed a double health science degree and has since worked in a dozen countries over 3 continents as a Naturopath. She specialises in Homeopathy, working with individuals to overcome, trauma, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia and has a large clientele of children in Zurich.Renée makes Naturopath Organic Tea blends which are for sale online and also prescribed in consultations.She is passionate about nature providing all that we need to live in balance and harmony with ourselves and in our environment. Now more than ever, we need to return to nature to restore harmony in the world.To find out more you can follow her on instagram, Facebook or join her newsletter for advice.

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