As a Naturopath we always take a holistic, (whole body) approach and apply targeted treatment protocols that are specific for the individual. We look to identify the root cause and treat the symptoms as well as the causative factors. Removing the cause and supporting the body to manage the condition and promote healing is a multi treatment approach, considering many factors, such as diet, gut health, microbial load, allergic responses, and susceptibility. All of this is done without suppressing the immune system or the body’s vitality with good results.
Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash
Studies have demonstrated that levels of ascorbic acid, vitamin E, copper & zinc are found to be lower in children with hay fever. This could be due to increased needs, lack of dietary sources or caused by malabsorption in the gut.
Photo by Alyssa li on Unsplash
Conversely, a Mediterranean style diet, namely, high levels fresh fruit, vegetables, omega 3 fatty acids and raw nuts, have been shown to reduce asthma in children by up to 80%. These foods deliver anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids, high levels of stable vitamin C and other minerals, which we need for healthy immune systems.
About the author:
Renée Blanchardt is an internationally acclaimed Naturopath & Homeopath based in Zurich and registered on the Swiss health care system for supplementary insurance.She specialises in Homeopathy, working with individuals to overcome, trauma, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia and has a large clientele of children in Zurich. She makes Naturopath Organic Tea blends for sale online and also prescribed in consultations advice.