We all know that feeling of uneasiness when we watch the news, we don’t know what is going to happen. We fear the outcome of the crisis, we fear for the lives of our dear ones and we fear the unknown. Fear is a widely used trigger, and the importance to how to protect yourself and your loved ones during this time, grows.
When I started doing Reiki this year, it was followed by a personal challenge that I had to face last year. I felt powerless and didn’t know how I could assist a loved one being hospitalized, so I started to send him love energy so that he would recover. I was full of fear most of the day and tried to keep my mind of worst case scenarios by sending him love and light.
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Everything turned out well and he recovered fully. I started to dive in further into this matter and shortly after I realized that our intentions matter when focussing energy.
I started studying Reiki and ever since I practice it daily.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is Japanese for universal Life-force, out of which everything was created and that flows through everything. It’s also known by the names Prana or Qi.
Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered this healing system at the beginning of the 20th Century. From there, Reiki spread around the world.
Reiki heals on all levels of your being and activates your self-healing properties.
What happens during a Reiki Session?
alternative medicine /downloaded from Envato Elements and the Owner is Dragonimages.
During a Reiki Session, the Practitioners hands are placed on different positions on the clients energy body (Aura) or physical body. Reiki activates and balances the chakras, the lymphatic system as well as the endocrine system. But not only does Reiki work on a physical level, it also works on a deep spiritual level. As a Reiki Practitioner I act as a channel to channel the Reiki Energy – After a session I don’t feel depleted or drained. I feel energized and vital! That’s why I love Reiki!
What else can I do to protect myself from toxic energy?
Not everyone has been attuned to Reiki and knows how to channel the energy, yet there are still some things that you can practice to develop Immunity to toxic energy around you:
#1 Watch what’s on your daily watch/read list
You feel overwhelmed by the news and you can’t stand listening to one more devastating news? You scroll through social media seeing that everyone is much better off and you feel unworthy and anxious? No wonder! This media consumption is not healthy and by watching or reading it you take on its frequency and energy into your energetic field. By doing so you drain your energy and feel sad or depressed instead of vital and energized! Try out a social media or a news detox for a week and journal how you feel about it.
#2 Practice gratitude and affirmations
This is a classic but it works wonders every time! You can start by making a big list of what you’re grateful for every day and read it out loud in the morning or record it on your phone so you can listen to it in moments of stress and anxiety, or just as a daily reminder! Gratefulness vibrates on a higher frequency, so whenever you practice gratitude your whole state of being automatically vibrates in a higher state and you feel positive. Write down positive affirmations to guide you during your day – you can record these as well and listen to them before going to bed so they can really settle into your subconscious.
Image par John Hain de Pixabay
#3 Connect to your Heart Energy
In the middle of our chest sits the Heart centre and the fourth chakra called Anahata. It’s governed by the colours green and pink so you might wanna light a green or a pink candle when connecting to the heart. The Heart chakra governs how you give and receive love and is at the centre of our being. So giving some extra attention to it and connecting to it daily helps you improve your energy and leaves you more loving towards yourself and your environment.
Start out by placing your hand in the middle of your chest, close your eyes and visualize a radiant green or pink (whatever speaks to you more in that moment) ball of light and energy. Really look at it and feel it with your whole being. And ultimately feel how the energy moves from your heart to the rest of your body. Maybe there’s a part of your body which needs a little extra energy in that moment, so send a bit more energy to that part of your body. And let go of your fears and doubts and just let the light fill you.
#4 If you can – Practice Reiki daily
If you have been attuned to Reiki Level 1,2 or 3, I recommend you practicing it daily so that you strengthen yourself up energetically, physically and spiritually. It’s really important to work on yourself first, even if you’re already doing fine. It’s very important to work prophylactic and not only when you experience and issue. Ultimately our body’s are the temples for our soul and we should treat them like that and nourish them – what better way to do that than with actual life energy – Reiki!
Remember that these times will also pass and that new times are coming and that these things all happen for a reason still it’s good to know how to strengthen yourself and your loved ones!
About the writer:
Sefora Cuoco is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Yoga Nidra Teacher, holistic Mother of two, a spiritual Entrepreneur and a marketing consultant.
For more information on how you can benefit from Reiki in a 1:1 Session, and how you can get attuned to Reiki yourself and start practicing today, you can get in touch with her. Email:hello@themindfulspot.org – Facebook professional page : The Mindful Spot Instagram
About the featured image: it’s downloaded from Envato Elements and the Owner is Dragonimages.